Women are NOT small Men
I Just got back from the IDEA PT West Institute and I really enjoyed myself. I loved all of the classes that I had a chance to attend and it was refreshing to hear a lot of what I believe taught in the sessions. On the Fitness side of things I attended sessions that dealt ... read more >
Take The Spring Training Challenge
Spring is Here and it's time to get ready to enjoy more daylight and the longer days. Take the Spring Training Challenge!!! Post pics on social media and then tag me in them! I want to see what you guys come up with! Remember you don't have to do all 7 at once. Pick ... read more >
What Does it mean to be healthy? The answer may surprise you
Health is commonly mistaken to mean the absence of disease. In reality, it is so much more than that. From a medical point of view, health is ultimately based upon the level of energy you experience on a daily basis. The more energy you have, the healthier you are and the more you are able ... read more >
Spotlight on Vitamin D
I have been very blessed to work with so many knowledgeable trainers over the years. One of my favorite colleagues was always preaching about the importance of Vitamin D. She would send clients off to the doctor to get their Vitamin D levels when she noticed sudden changes with fatigue, weight gain, or even more ... read more >
Recommended Read: The Female Body Breakthrough by Rachel Cosgrove
I took a seminar from Rachel at the Perform Better Summit and I really liked her presentation. She and her husband Alwyn own a gym in Southern California and during her talk she showed snippets of their 8 week challenge programs for women. During these challenges, women aren't allowed to get on the scale but ... read more >
I am enough: Lessons from Fitness Goals Past
I'm spring cleaning and I came across some Fitness Goals I made about 6 years ago. What caught my attention was that I achieved EVERY SINGLE ONE of those fitness goals from reaching my desired clothing size, being able to do a pull up, getting to my target weight, and yet nearly 3 years ago ... read more >