Fiercely Fit Lifestyle

My Favorite Books of 2021

Fiction The Bright Side of Going Dark, Kelly Harms Needful Things, Stephen King Love Story, Erich Segal Valley of the Dolls, Jacqueline Susann The Testaments, Margaret Atwood Beach Read, Emily Henry Followers, Megan Angelo The Chanel Sisters,  Non-Fiction King Leopold's Ghost: A Story of Greed, Terror, and Heroism in Colonial Africa, Adam Hochschild 12 Rules ... read more >

My Top Reads of 2020!

Instead of spending your time watching the news incessantly this year Check back to the list for Updates! Note: I don't like giving away the plots of Books during my reviews because why ruin the story for others? I HATE when that happens on Amazon Reviews. I give a thorough review of each of these ... read more >

Recommended Read: Mindset, Carol Dweck

Mindset matters most - Brian Grasso What makes my nutrition/health coaching different from the traditional fitness industry is that I believe that your success is not based upon diets and exercise plans.  I believe that your success is based upon what is going on in between your ears. The traditional fitness industry has failed us ... read more >

New Healthy Find: Apple Cider Vinegar Tonic

I'm a big believer in keeping the gut healthy and probiotics are a great addition to any Optimal Health Program. (Click here to read about the importance of Prebiotics and Probiotics) Sometimes I drink Apple Cider Vinegar in warm water but sometimes you want to change it up. Apple Cider Vinegar has been to shown ... read more >

Recommended Read: Daring Greatly by Brene Brown

I saw Brene Brown's Ted Talk on Vulnerability a few years ago and I kept telling myself that one of these days I was going to read her book, "Daring Greatly" because I had heard so much about it. When I committed to my Fall Sprint 2017, I knew this book needed to be apart ... read more >

Recommended Read: Eat Meat and Stop Jogging

  If you're a vegetarian, then skip over this post. I respect everyone's moral stands and choices on whether or not they eat meat.  The author of course wants to sell books so he needed a catchy title and here we have: Eat Meat and Stop Jogging. The purpose of this book is to counter ... read more >

Recommended Read: Goals By Brian Tracy

This book is said to be one of the best selling books regarding the subject of Goals.  I first read it years and years ago and what I liked about the book is that at the end of the every chapter there are questions to answer so you can get clarity on what your goals ... read more >

Recommended Read: The Power of Focus

There are distractions all around us. More than ever we are bombarded with ways to waste our time and get all thrown off track.  To be successful, we must focus on the tasks at hand and not get distracted by the latest shiny object. Enter: The Power of Focus! This is one of my favorite ... read more >

Are you practicing Self Care?

Recently attended a Summit called the Shero Summit.  It was extremely inspiring. I met a woman who did her first marathon at 61 and did her second at 63.  I am hoping to score an interview with her to find out her routine. (BTW I thought she was in her late 40's or early 50's.) ... read more >