Mindset matters most – Brian Grasso

What makes my nutrition/health coaching different from the traditional fitness industry is that I believe that your success is not based upon diets and exercise plans.  I believe that your success is based upon what is going on in between your ears.

The traditional fitness industry has failed us by telling us the answers are in shakes, pills, potions, diets, and exercise routines.  Those are the tools that will help us get to where we are but our mindset is what will determine whether or not we are going to be successful.

Fixed vs Growth Mindset

From the back cover:

After decades of research, world-renowned Stanford University psychologist Carol S. Dweck, Ph.D., discovered a simple but groundbreaking idea: the power of mindset.

People with a fixed mindset, those who believe that abilities are fixed, are less likely to flourish than those with a growth mindset– those who believe that abilities can be developed.


Fixed vs Growth Mindset in the context of health and fitness

Fixed Mindset

(From page 249)

Sometimes we don’t want to change ourselves very much.  We just want to drop pounds and keep them off.

Some people think about this in a fixed-mindset way.  If you’re strong, and have willpower then you can do it.

When people with a fixed mindset fail their test – they beat themselves up.  They’re incompetent, weak or bad people.

Growth Mindset

(From Page 251)

Some people think about losing weight or controlling their anger in a growth-mindset way.  They realize that to succeed, they;ll need to learn and practice strategies that work for them.

Exactly this.

Most of us have been groomed in a fixed mindset environment.  We’ve labeled ourselves as dumb, fat, lazy, stupid, ugly, failure, hopeless or whatever other mean  things we tell ourselves.

Other times people in our lives (parents, teachers, spouses, managers) or systems (education, religion, etc) may have given us negative labels and convinced us that we will be able to change.

Wrong Wrong Wrong.

A growth mindset throws out perfection and instead embraces challenges, learning, and developing so that you can get to the next level.

A must read

This book is a must read for any entrepreneur, manager, coach, teacher, leader, parent, partner, spouse….well everyone who wants to GROW and not stay stuck wherever they are!!

I believe that a growth mindset is ESSENTIAL to success and thriving in life because the idea is that we can always improve by developing strategies that help us to grow and get to the next stage of the process.  It’s not all or nothing, focusing on being perfect, or deciding that this is all there is.

There is always MORE.

Read an Excerpt here