PBWC Conference! The Next Genderation!
Donna Brazile2 years ago I attended the Professional Business Women of California's annual conference. It was life changing. I got a chance to hear some of the most influential women in this country speak and I even got a chance to meet Donna Brazile. For those that don't know, Donna Brazile was the first Black ... read more >
Being Functionally Fit
What is functional Training When I first became a trainer, functional training was all the rage. Anytime you went into gyms, you would see people doing balancing exercises, exercises on the stability balls, etc. While sometimes things went too far, the initial concept was good. Prior to this trend, most people came to the gym ... read more >
You’ve got to move to grow!
Press Play. This is the soundtrack for this blog post. It's been a while folks, but I've been productive during this time away. I accomplished my PUSH goal for 2013! Only 6 months into the year and we've already crossed the big goal off the list that is going to bring everything ... read more >
Have you reached a decision?
As we PUSH on towards GOALS2013 The next step of the journey: Decision Time So to recap the first part of the year, I have: 1. Set Goals 2. Made Plans 3. Assessed our progress 4. Readjusted Plans As I have stated before, this year is one where I am looking to make tremendous ... read more >
New Recipes: Protein Packed Oatmeal and Homemade Protein Bars,
If you know me, I take forever to get going in the mornings even though I'm an early bird. This is one of my favorite breakfasts when there is no time to scramble egg whites Protein Power Packed Oatmeal 1/2 cup Steel Cut Oats (or whatever your serving size) 1 cup water ... read more >
Lame Excuses: I can do it on my own! Where are the magic beans?
Update on Barbara It has been a few weeks since Barbara's initial training sessions. She has had some remarkable results, but now we've reached the crossroads. Barbara thinks that she can do all of this on her own. She is also frustrated by her progress. She's been up late working on a project and all ... read more >