Women We Love: Ayesha Curry
Chef, Author, Partner to NBA MVP Steph Curry, and Mama to two entertaining little girls are just some of the ways we know Ayesha Curry. I really admire the way Ayesha continues to shine bright like the Diamond she is, in spite of all the negativity that people on social media direct her way. She ... read more >
No More Exercise as Punishment
Ugh. I ate so bad this weekend. I'm gonna go and kill it at the gym to make up for it. Oooh I want to earn my dinner tonight...so I'm going extra hard at the gym. My pants don't fit so that means an extra 10 minutes on the deadmill I gotta work this off! ... read more >
Women We Love: Misty Copeland
I saw Misty Copeland's story on 60 minutes last year and I was very impressed. She has overcome a LOT to become the first Black Principal Dancer of the American Ballet Theater. This was always a goal of hers and she accomplished it. Not only did she have to overcome an uncertain living situation but ... read more >
My own journey One Year Later…..
The beginning of May marked the day where I said goodbye to the ambition of trying to be a Figure Competitor. It was at the Nor-Cal Fitness Summit where I spoke with the awesome Chrissy Z who asked me that poignant question: At What Cost? Since that year there have been some ups, downs, and ... read more >
Recommended Read: Why We Get Fat by Gary Taubes
Why We Get Fat is the follow up book to Gary Taubes' best selling Good Calories/Bad Calories Both books examine why calorie counting is futile, why high carb diets have produced nothing but failure, and why almost everything we've been taught about weight loss/management is wrong. Good Calories/Bad Calories is like the War and Peace ... read more >
So what about challenges? Are they a waste of time?
I'm sure you see all of these 3 day, 10 day, and 21 day challenges all over social media and you're thinking: "What's up with that? Is that worth my time? Did someone really lose 5 pounds of fat and gain 1 pound of muscle in 3 days???" (I actually saw that and shook my ... read more >