The realities of High Intensity Exercise
I recently came across an article in the Washington Post regarding Millennials and why they are experiencing so much hip pain. Before I even read the article, I knew what the answer was: Bad Hip Mobility, Lack of attention to fundamental mechanics, poor flexibility, and too much impact with too little strength. The most popular ... read more >
I want to eat healthy but it’s too expensive
One of the biggest obstacles I hear from people in regards to eating healthy is that they have financial constraints that make it harder to eat healthy foods. Let's be frank: The processed foods that are full of preservatives are more affordable due to longer shelf life and not so great ingredients. A Protein Box ... read more >
Training Tip: Help! I’m Too Tired for Exercise….
I recently spent two days commuting back and forth about 50 miles. This commute took an hour and a half each way and by the time I got home I was tired. I did not feel like going to the gym or doing any type of exercise. I probably looked like good ole Glenn Close ... read more >
Keep Track and see Big Changes
I am a big fan of keeping a workout journal to keep track of my workouts. I was doing this faithfully for years but after the failed fitness competition, I got so tired of writing everything down that I just stopped altogether. I still kept track somewhat with a spreadsheet in Google Drive but it ... read more >
Get out of your rut and Mix It up!
I recently took a morning Power Yoga class and it felt amazing. It was challenging and I was sore for a few days afterward. This reminded me of the importance of mixing up my exercise routine. It is so easy to get stuck in a rut and do the same thing over and over again. ... read more >
Progress Journal: Conditioning not Cardio
One of my pet peeves in group cycling are the people who don't want to put any resistance on the bike and either cruise for the hour or go at top speed but don't realize that this is the equivalent of lifting 1 pound weights for an hour. Now sure if you're severely out of ... read more >