Focus on THESE Things at 20 Weeks of Sheltering in Place
The Last few weeks have been tough. It started for me on Sunday when I read an article in the New York Times about the United State's response to the pandemic and I was ready to scream. That article combined with hearing about real life positive Covid19 diagnosis was discouraging. To add the economic impact ... read more >
Week 18 Sheltering in Place Reflections: I am Speechless
San Francisco closed down officially on March 17, 2020. It is now July 17, 2020. I had trouble coming up with a post this week because I don't even know what to say because we seem to be going backwards when it comes to navigating through this pandemic. San Francisco never really reopened but now ... read more >
We cannot “positivity” our way out of a pandemic
It is Week 17 of Sheltering in Place here in San Francisco. We were looking forward to reopening but of course with the uptick in Covid19 cases that has been put off. I was at a meeting last week and our leader who is normally positive and upbeat said in a serious voice, "Guys we're ... read more >
Take Care of Yourself
There are some that believe that all of the gyms in America should be open right now because people are in a bad state mentally, emotionally, and physically. While I don't think the intent is wrong, I don't believe that we need to have gyms open in order to get active. I also think that ... read more >
Why we need to apply this running strategy to our lives in 2020
Week 15 of Sheltering in Place here in San Francisco. The above photo is from my last Half Marathon 10 years ago. I recently started running again. I used to be an avid runner and I ran lots of 5K's, 10Ks and even a few Half Marathons. My first outing back at the track was ... read more >
The end of an Era and what this may mean for Gym Goers
Last week 24 Hour Fitness laid off a large percentage of its workforce. 24 Hour Fitness is one of the largest fitness chains in California and where many people (Including me) got their careers started in fitness. On a personal note I found out that the 24 Hour Fitness where I started as a trainer ... read more >