Week 1 of the Nicole Wilkins 60 Day Total Body Transformation Challenge is in the books!  There are 9 weeks total in this program and after the first week I was pretty sore and I had a big realization.

After the first leg day workout, I wrote, I am definitely not as young as I used to be in my Workout Journal.  The next day I took a 30 minute  Yoga Class and I felt much better.  Still sore but I felt better.

A Challenge

While I am not as young as I used to be, it’s not just age that contributed to my soreness. The other factor was that it’s a challenge and it’s hard.

It’s supposed to be hard and the reality is I haven’t done 5 Days a week of Lifting Weights in over a year and probably not since my last Nicole Wilkins challenge which was about 2 years ago.

During the Shelter in Place due to the Covid19 pandemic, I was more interested in doing Yoga, shorter Total Body Weight workouts, and running.

I’d stopped doing the 5 Day  Weight Training Split Routines and this was going to take my body some getting used to.  A Split routine is where you lift weights for different muscle groups on different days of the week and it’s how you can lift weights five days a week without overtraining.

I do these challenges to get out of my comfort zone and to set goals that get me fired up.

What is my Goal for this Challenge?

My Goal for this Challenge and this first quarter of the year is to focus on lifting weights and making sure I’m keeping up my Lean Body Mass (specifically Muscle and Bone) because as we get older we lose both.

I’m in a Facebook group with others doing the challenge and it’s so inspiring.  One woman is fighting cancer and she wants to rebuild her body after losing so much weight. She posted a picture in her headscarf with a big smile after leg day saying she finished the workout!  This is why I love Fitness!! When I think I can’t do it, I think about people like that who are determined to keep going and I get fired up all over again.

There are some women in the group who are in their 50’s and 60’s who look 20 years younger and they attribute it to lifting weights, exercising regularly, and eating well.  One woman said she was 68 and another challenger asked if that was a typo and I was wondering the same thing!!

These women are lifting weights 5 days a week and doing the challenge to get better.  What fantastic role models!!

Age does not have to be limiting.  I refuse to let be an age be an excuse for not giving my best and getting better.  The realization that I’m not as young as I used to be was not discouraging but made me realize that if I’m going to complete this challenge then I have to make sure that I’m doing things to promote recovery from the weight training workouts like Foam Rolling and taking at least 1 Yoga class per week.

Nutrition is also an extremely important part of Recovery.


As far as Nutrition, right now I’m doing the Daniel Fast which is where you don’t eat meat, animal products, and eat mainly Fruits, Veggies, and Nuts.  I do eat plant protein like Quinoa and make sure to get in plenty of Beans and Rice for a Complete Protein.  The Daniel Fast is for Spiritual Purposes but it’s a fantastic reset for my system.

This is my last week on the Daniel Fast so I’ll go back to drinking my Plant-Based Protein Smoothies, organic whey Ready to Drink Protein Shakes, and add back in my meat.

The biggest challenge for me will be to increase caloric intake to improve Lean Body Mass so I will eat every 3 hours for 5-6 meals per day (The shakes will be a meal).  There is a meal plan that goes along with the challenge and I like some of the recipes but I’ve learned enough along the way to know how to adjust nutrition.

The main goal when trying to improve Lean Body Mass is to eat enough to build lean body mass and that can be a challenge but after a few weeks, it gets better.

1 Week Down and 8 more to Go

After this first week, I realized that I’m not as young as I used to be but that it’s no excuse to not take up the challenge.  I just need to be smarter as I go about it to make sure I don’t get injured because it is going to take my body time to get used to training this way again.

I’m up for it.

Week 2 Getting Better…

After the discovery last week that I am no longer as young as I used to be,  I was encouraged this week to find that I’m not as old as I thought I was.

Doing any new Training Program is very tough when you first start.  I haven’t lifted weights for 5 Days consistently in 2 years so this was quite the adjustment.

I was glad that I didn’t feel as broken down as I did the first week.  I was even able to add in 10 minutes of HIIT from Peloton after two workouts.  That is a victory.  I’m hoping to get in 60 minutes of cardio per week…so this was a good start.

This was my last week on the Daniel Fast so I will be looking forward to adding back in Animal Protein and eating more to help fuel my training. No Animal Proteins don’t work for me and my body.  I feel much better with it and so I’m looking forward to adding it back in next week.

I’m in a group with others doing the challenge and I’m dismayed to see so many women living by the scale, weighing every day, and freaking out because “I’m doing everything right and I’ve gained weight.”

I’ve been there and I understand.  I want to tell them so badly that no matter what that scale says you won’t be happy and you won’t think it’s enough.

I also want to tell them whatever problems you think you’re going to eliminate by getting that “right number” on the scale are still going to be there afterward.

It’s a lesson we all have to learn for ourselves. I’m thankful to be delivered from the bondage of the scale.  This challenge is about me focusing on a goal, pushing myself when I don’t want to, and completing something.

We can all agree that in a worldwide pandemic and cultural upheaval we shouldn’t be focused on the scale but unfortunately that’s one reason why people are focused on the scale.  That number is something they can control.  I read an article last week about how the pandemic is fueling eating disorders in Young Women.  (Link to Article here)

There is so much that we will have to clean up after this pandemic is over but I  believe Health and Wellness will be a major priority because we’ve learned without health, we have nothing.

The next steps are to Incorporate my organic protein shakes and Increase Cardio!

Week 3 Upgrades!

One of the best things about challenges is that you acquire new skills, tools, and strategies to implement into your lifestyle.

Two of my new Upgrades are: Orgain Protein Shakes and an Interval Timer where I can design my own HIIT workouts.

Orgain Ready to Drink Protein Shakes are tasty, don’t give me digestive issues, and they don’t have as much crap in them as other popular shakes. Another win is that I can get these shakes at Costco where they frequently go on sale.

The interval app I’m using is awesome because it allows me to design my own HIIT workouts.

Cardio Watch

Goal: 60 Minutes of HIIT Cardio per week

Week 2: 20 Minutes

Week 3: 35 Minutes

Peloton Challenge

I’ve joined the Feb Peloton Challenge of 10 workouts for the month.  This will help me to complete my Cardio Goals within the Nicole Wilkins Challenge.

It’s great to have so many tools at my disposal to help me with my goals!  My only goal right now is to FINISH the Challenge. It’s so liberating not to be focused on the scale and measurements.

The workouts are much easier compared with the first week.  Proof positive that you just need to keep going.

Week 4 Stronger than yesterday

I’m feeling much stronger than when I started.  The weight workouts are still challenging but I don’t feel as beat down like I did at the start.

I also did a 20-minute total body Strength workout with Peloton on Sunday as a HIIT type workout and I SAILED through it when before the challenge 20 minutes felt like a long time and super challenging.

I’m definitely getting my strength back which feels awesome.  I’m thinking that I want to extend this 5-6 days a week of lifting for another 4-6 weeks after this challenge.  I hope that Nicole has another  40 or 60 Day Challenge challenge after this one.

If not, as a member of her Inner Circle she has Workouts for us to follow so I’ll probably continue to follow that at least until the summer. Hopefully, I will be able to get back to the gym by then!

Trying to eat more…especially protein!!

Next week we begin more intense metabolic workouts with circuit training, more cardio, and a focus on conditioning.  I’m up for it!

Cardio Watch

Goal: 60 Minutes of HIIT Cardio per week

Week 2: 20 Minutes

Week 3: 35 Minutes

Week 4:  50 Minutes

Week 5 Step it Up

We are halfway through the challenge and now it’s time to step it up.  The workouts switched from more traditional bodybuilding workouts to more conditioning high rep circuit training workouts to boost metabolism and increase conditioning!

I do enjoy these types of workouts because the blood is flowing, the heart is beating, and you’re getting those endorphins!

The workouts have increased in intensity and we’ve moved to a 6 day workout week with 1 day dedicated specifically to cardio.  Where I’m taking liberty is using Peloton strength classes as some of my “cardio”.  I think of it as “Cardio Strenght” which is much more in line with my goals and I enjoy it.

A Return to Teaching?

As I’ve been taking Peloton classes and enjoying the instructors, I’ve thought about the fact that I would like to return to teaching post-pandemic.  My focus would be on strength training classes and yeah…I’d like to teach cycle again but more than likely at a smaller facility with people who are locked in and ready to work.

I turn 40 this year and I want to encourage people over 40 to take care of themselves and ReDefine Aging.

I also want to encourage younger people to show up, do something challenging, commit to something and finish it. I’m often discouraged by younger people and their lack of consistency and opposition to do doing hard things…even physically.

Their phyiscal and mental lack of resilience and endurance are linked and so I want to get back out there and teach again.  I believe that there is a need.

Yes, I do enjoy Peloton and virtual workouts and I’m going to continue on with them BUT I don’t believe that’s going to be the be-all and end-all of fitness.  People will still want to work out with Live Instructors and I plan to be out there in my neck of the woods!

Nutrition Upgrades

To Be honest, first I’m focusing on getting through this challenge with my workouts, and then in March, I’m thinking of doing a Nutrition Challenge.  My main objective right now is to eat more salads, supplement with protein, and eat enough to support my physical workouts.

Cardio Watch

Goal: 60-120 Minutes of HIIT Cardio per week

Week 2: 20 Minutes

Week 3: 35 Minutes

Week 4:  50 Minutes

Week 5:  65 Minutes

Week 6 Just Keep Going

The week started off normally and I was only a few workouts shy of my Peloton 10 workout goal and I was certain to hit it but on Saturday I had some anxiety issues that made it’s way to my digestive system.  This persisted all weekend.

Back in the day, I would have tried to work out anyhow or I would have continually beat myself up for missing the Peloton challenge goals by 1 workout.

Being Older and Wiser I just say to myself: “JUST KEEP GOING”

I’m behind on my workouts but I’m determined to complete the program. I may be behind a few days but I’m going to finish.  I’m also going to try again this month for the Peloton 10 workout challenge.

It is so liberating to not be in bondage to workouts and trying to be perfect. I’ll just pick back up.  I walked and did yoga to help with anxiety issues and my physical symptoms got so much better.  I also stopped Googling symptoms which fed into the symptom cycle.

Cardio Watch

Goal: 60-120 Minutes of HIIT Cardio per week

Week 2: 20 Minutes

Week 3: 35 Minutes

Week 4:  50 Minutes

Week 5:  65 Minutes

Week 6:  41 Minutes

Week 7 Chia Pudding is awesome

After last week’s health issues, I was back in the game this week and I decided the goal was to finish the challenge.  It’s to do all 60 Days. Sure it may take me a few more days to get there but I’m going to finish.

I attended a Virtual Personal Trainer conference this week which is always a great reminder of why I do this in the first place.  One of my favorite parts of going to fitness conferences is getting to do at least 1-2 different workouts per day (You learn early on why you don’t go to any more than that)

Even though the conference was virtual, I got up early on Saturday morning, did my workout, and made some coffee to try and at least have a little bit of my normal conference experience.

The conference reaffirmed my commitment to ReDefine Aging especially as I’ve already decided to return to teaching fitness classes post-pandemic.  This challenge is part of my training program to do that.

Nutrition Upgrades: Chia Pudding is Awesome

I’m late to the party but Chia Pudding is awesome especially with berries on top.  So good for Fiber Intake and super easy for a quick breakfast on the go.  Definitely adding this to the routine.

1 cup of Milk of choice

1/2 cup of Chia Seeds

Honey to Taste

I like to make it on Sundays and have it for the week.

Cardio Watch

Goal: 60-120 Minutes of HIIT Cardio per week

Week 2: 20 Minutes

Week 3: 35 Minutes

Week 4:  50 Minutes

Week 5:  65 Minutes

Week 6:  41 Minutes

Week 7: 41 Minutes