Getting Fit to Run Part 3: Soft Tissue Work
Part 3: The importance of Soft Tissue Work Fiercelyfit Trainer: First we need to address your tissue quality. Your connective tissue is what surrounds your muscles. We want to make sure that your tissues are elastic and minimize the knots and adhesions that form in the tissues. Sue Ellen: Well how do we do that? ... read more >
So what if you started trying to get healthier and didn’t focus on losing “weight”
I've worked in gyms for nearly 10 years and I have noticed something interesting. People who are focused on losing weight do not stick with their program, but people who are there because they like the way they feel and also have found workouts that they enjoy are much more likely to stick with it. ... read more >
Fitness Competition Journal: Since I’m feeling empowered: Actual Progress Pics 12 weeks out
Do you know that I have never worn a bathing suit in public as an adult woman? I just bought my first bikini this year and that was because I wanted to use them for my progress photos. So of course the first time I decide to wear a bikini in public it has to ... read more >
Fitness Competition Journal: Increasing Confidence!! It’s not from where you would think though.
I am walking with an extra serving of "Giving it to the People" these days. Most would assume it comes from dropping nearly 10 pounds and seeing my body change. But that's not it Most would assume my extra amount of confidence these days all stems from the physical changes, but that has ... read more >
Get Fit to Run Part 2: Injury and the Recreational Runner
Part 2: Injury and the Recreational Runner It has been said that 70-80% of runners get injured. When we think about running injuries, how many of those injuries are cardiovascular in nature? Very few. Most of the injuries we hear about are are to the joints and muscles. Why does this happen? ... read more >
Fitness Competition Journal: Staying in the race!!
I will not be competing in July as I previously planned. Instead my coach has moved me to an August 5 show. This will give me the time to bring my best package to the stage. I think a good coach will be honest with you and let you know if you're ready or not. ... read more >