Progress Journal: Facing Fear head on
Nutrition and Workout Update I'm still following a Paleo nutrition program Monday - Friday evening and then after that I tend to loosen up. The workouts have changed a bit. I have some early morning clients now so I haven't been working out early in the morning these past 2 weeks. I'm coming up on ... read more >
Recommended Read: Eat Meat and Stop Jogging
If you're a vegetarian, then skip over this post. I respect everyone's moral stands and choices on whether or not they eat meat. The author of course wants to sell books so he needed a catchy title and here we have: Eat Meat and Stop Jogging. The purpose of this book is to counter ... read more >
Nutrition Question of the Week: What about Sugar Alcohols?
Sugar Alcohols are not to be confused with artificial sweeteners. Artificial Sweeteners, as the name implies, are man made. Sugar alcohols naturally occur in fruit like Plums, berries, and in some veggies. Sugar Alcohols are known as Polyols. They include: sorbitol, xylitol, erythritol, mannitol, and iso-malt. Polyols are the P in FODMAPS. These are (Fermentable, ... read more >
The 12 Week Transformation Truth They don’t tell you about
Transformation Programs are popping up all over the place. Lose 20 pounds in 6 Weeks! Lose 50 pounds in 3 months! WEIGHT LOSS WILL HAPPEN FAST! FAST! FAST! Do these programs work? Yes they do which is why people love them. We're all enticed by the pictures of the Before picture of the miserable looking ... read more >
Nutrition Question of the Week: How can I eat well on a budget?
Have you ever gone to the grocery store and looked at the prices and sounded like Chris Rock in those In Living Color Skits? If so, then you are not alone. 62% of people think it costs too much to eat healthfully. (USDA 2013). This often happens to me at Whole Foods. IDEA Fitness Journal ... read more >