Give it a Rest Post Pandemic: We’re Tired
Long after our hopes were dashed of a quick end to the 2020 Pandemic, I remember talking to people about what I was most looking forward to doing when the restrictions were loosened. When vaccinations started to increase and restrictions began to loosen in California, I expected to have a full social calendar but that ... read more >
Why you don’t need to do MORE
"More is not better. Better is better. Do it Better before you do MORE" I used to say this a lot when I taught fitness classes because I could see that many people believed that in order to make progress faster, they would need to keep doing more and more. It's true in exercise that ... read more >
October Tips and Finds!
Happy 4th Quarter! 2021 is almost over. I can't even believe it. It feels like a lot has happened in the last 9 months and so my mantra to everyone is to give yourself time and to give yourself grace about how you're navigating life during this period of time. I recently attended my first ... read more >
5 Reasons it’s not cancel culture
“It’s not you…it’s me,” are the words that we like to use when breaking off a relationship. Usually, it is the other person because we’ve come to the realization that we can no longer tolerate the behavior of the other person or that we are not in a place mentally to give them what they ... read more >
America it is time to Grow Up
America: It is time to Grow up We are dealing with multiple crises at a time and rather than taking a serious posture of figuring how to best navigate these difficulties we are resorting to blaming, name-calling, and hoping for a Hollywood ending where the hero saves everyone and everything ends happily ever. I have ... read more >
Fall Push 2021: 30x 5
Last week I went to the doctor because I was having some digestive issues. I had my first "As we get older" conversation with my doctor about changes to my nutrition because it was causing acid reflux and heartburn. "I haven't even been 40 for a month and we're already going down this road," I thought ... read more >