Week 2 of Drop 2 Sizes is in the Books! Feeling Good and Enjoying all the Food
I am really loving this Drop 2 Sizes Plan. For one thing I am loving ALL THE FOOD. I get into food ruts and start eating the same thing all of the time and then it gets boring. One of The main reason I follow these different programs and plans is to force myself to ... read more >
Nutrition Question of the week: Help! I am so busy I don’t have time to eat healthy
First Truth Bomb: This is an excuse. It's a story you're telling yourself and that you've believed it. Being too busy is encouraged in our culture because people look at it as a badge of honor and accomplishment. Are our lives filled with activities? Yes. Are all of them necessary? No. Are all of them ... read more >
Real Life Tips for Cutting Sugar Summer 2017 Edition!
I love doing challenges such as Sugar Free Me. I learn so much as a coach and as a group we gain insight and real life tips that work for those of us who live in the real world! Here are some of our best Tips from Sugar Free Me Summer 2017! Read the ... read more >
Nutrition Question of the Week: How can I be more consistent with my nutrition?
The Easy Answer is to Just do it one day at a time but I think there's more to it. Here are a few suggestions for becoming more consistent with your Nutrition. End the Massive Displays of Effort Darren Hardy says that Americans have been conditioned to believe in massive displays of effort. This means ... read more >
My Fall2017Sprint!
If you follow me on Social media, then you may have noticed me talking a lot about #Fall2017. You may be wondering what that is. I am challenging myself and my clients to end this year strong by setting goals and developing WRITTEN action plans. It's been really exciting to see so many awesome action ... read more >
Nutrition Question of the Week: Should I eat a Low Carb Diet for fat loss?
The short answer is: It depends. It depends on your lifestyle, your goals, and your own personal metabolic response. Have I confused you enough? I know low carb diets are all of the rage right now and you may have heard a lot about the Ketogenic diet. I do believe that nutritional program does have ... read more >