Week 5 of Drop 2 Sizes Complete!
This honestly has been one of the better programs that I have followed. I will tell you that I haven't been a stickler to the program but I've followed along and tried a lot of the new recipes. This has been just the thing I needed to get my Fall 2017 Sprint going. When Rachel ... read more >
Nutrition Question of the Week: 5 Great Meal Prep Tips
Meal Preparation (and cleanup) is of then the most discouraging part of a healthier lifestyle. We run out of time, life happens, or we just get lazy and don't want to do it anymore. Here are some of my best tips for making Meal Prep a little bit easier! 1. Buy Pre Cut, Pre Washed, ... read more >
Nutrition Question of the Week: Should I eat breakfast even if I am not hungry?
Here's my favorite answer: It depends!! I am a fan of eating breakfast because I believe it sets the tone for the day. I also believe in eating a higher protein/fat/fiber breakfast because that helps to stabilize blood sugar and prevents the blood sugar drops that motivate people to reach for high sugar empty calories ... read more >
Week 4 of Drop 2 Sizes is done: Halfway There!
First let's start off with a confession... I am doing a Nutrition Challenge right along with my clients (cause I take my own medicine) called the Vegetable Challenge. The goal is to eat 5 Fistfuls of Veggies a day. It's been almost 2 weeks and I haven't gotten ONE yes. There are several reasons for ... read more >
Week 3 of Drop 2 Sizes Done!
I completed Week 3 of the Drop 2 Sizes Challenge and I have to say that I really enjoy the variety of foods that are on the program such as String Cheese, Ak Mak Crackers, Hummus etc. These are things that I like to eat but stopped eating for one reason or another. My reasoning ... read more >
Recommended Read: Daring Greatly by Brene Brown
I saw Brene Brown's Ted Talk on Vulnerability a few years ago and I kept telling myself that one of these days I was going to read her book, "Daring Greatly" because I had heard so much about it. When I committed to my Fall Sprint 2017, I knew this book needed to be apart ... read more >