Nicole Wilkins 60 Day Challenge: Mission Accomplished!
Whew! I just finished the 60 Day Nicole Wilkins Transformation Challenge and it was awesome!! Here are my Wins from this program Got back into a consistent weight lifting routine Incorporated more High Intensity Cardio into my routine such as doing the 5:30 a.m. Les Mills Sprint Class at the gym Started getting to the ... read more >
Progress Journal Nicole Wilkins Transformation Program: Weeks 7&8
In the Home Stretch!! What's so different about my approach to fitness now is that I am focused on the Growth and Development I gain from each program, rather than the amount of weight or inches lost. What I have gained from this program Gotten into a disciplined early morning exercise routine 2 days per ... read more >
Lifestyle Change must start with self compassion
Which diet is the best? How can I lose weight and keep it off? This is the diet program that will finally work for me! Several weeks later I lost weight but then I gained it back. I just don't have the discipline to stay on track. What's the point? I can't do it. It's hopeless. ... read more >
Nutrition Question of the Week: Is a High Protein diet bad for your bones?
"Too much protein is bad for your kidneys and it saps the calcium from your bones!" I have heard this on many occasions from people and while I know what study they are going to cite to prove their point, what people also fail to mention is that study studied people who had impaired kidney ... read more >
Recommended Read: Mindset, Carol Dweck
Mindset matters most - Brian Grasso What makes my nutrition/health coaching different from the traditional fitness industry is that I believe that your success is not based upon diets and exercise plans. I believe that your success is based upon what is going on in between your ears. The traditional fitness industry has failed us ... read more >
Progress Journal: Nicole Wilkins Program Weeks 5&6
Whenever I did programs in the past, I always focused on being perfect. I focused on whether or not I was able to follow the program to the letter. I would judge myself as a success or failure based on these self imposed rigid standards and also what the scale said at the end of ... read more >