Week 3 Fall Push: Intentional and Conscious Change
Watch Your Words A few years ago I heard one of the best messages of my entire life. The speaker, Joseph Garlington said: "If you don't like the way your life is going, then it is time to say something different." Many of us put ourselves down on a daily basis. We say things like: ... read more >
Give Yourself Permission to turn down the intensity
I love an intense workout. I love the feeling of the blood pumping, my heart beating, and challenging myself. However I do know that we cannot go at 100 mph all of the time. That is how overtraining and injury happen. I'm naturally a high energy and intense person. I like to always be on ... read more >
Week 2 Fall Push: Get Your Mind Right and Get Rid of the Excuses
This summer I was presented with an opportunity and my first instinct was to say, "No." I had a lot of excuses: I didn't know how since I didn't grow up doing itI was too afraid. What if I said the wrong thing? What if I wasn't any good?I don't sound like everyone else. I ... read more >
Week 1 Fall PUSH 2019: Get Your Mind Right! Who do you need to become?
When we set goals, coaches tend to emphasize the outcome which is understandable because if you weren't looking at outcomes, then what would be the point? However I don't think that's how you ACTUALLY get results. You get results by becoming who you need to be in order to get those results. It's all about ... read more >
Fall PUSH 2019: SAY NO
I'm going to be blunt: You need to begin to say NO to 80% of what you're asked to do. This Past Summer I took on the theme of one of Football Coach Bill Belechick's more memorable press conferences. He kept repeating one phrase when the media was trying to bait him into saying something ... read more >
Why are women gaining more belly fat?
As a general rule men tend to accumulate fat in the abdominal region. Women tend to gain fat in their thighs and butt because that is where more fat receptors are found. In recent years trends of women gaining more abdominal fat have led researchers to ask: Why are women gaining more abdominal fat than ... read more >