What’s the ONE thing you can do this week such that by doing it everything else would be easier or unnecessary?

Gary Keller, The One Thing

Americans believe more is better.

If we just do more, then we will have more. This type of mindset has led to elevated stress levels, declining health, and fractured relationships.

What if we stopped doing so many things and focused on the ONE THING that would make our lives easier?

This is the counter cultural message of Gary Keller’s book, “The One Thing”

From a Personal Standpoint, I know this to be true because I can remember when I first became self-employed, I was running here and there because I thought if I went to more events and did more things that I would be successful. All that ended up having was going into the red financially and feeling like I was making no progress.

Once I decided to consciously stop doing so many things and focus on one particular aspect of my business, I started getting the RIGHT types of clients and my revenues soared. It all happened because I stopped doing so many things and focused on the ONE Thing.

6 Lies Between You and success

  1. Everything matters equally
  2. Multi tasking
  3. A Disciplined Life
  4. Willpower is always on willcall
  5. A balanced Life
  6. Big is Bad

Listen to any of these “success” gurus and they often give instructions that are just the opposite of these but the truth is that many of these “success” gurus are not successful.

If you have felt frustrated because you are doing a lot but not making much progress, then you should read The ONE Thing to refocus and try a different approach!