Second Whole30 is in the books and it was great! It was much easier this time around because it’s become more of a lifestyle now. I also know it works so I have faith in the program.
My results were: 8 pounds lost which is a net loss of 14 pounds since October.
I am back in some of my jeans which let me know there were real results happening!
This is all with no: Counting calories, weighing and measuring food, tracking macros, dry chicken breasts and broccoli, lots of fat, whole avocados, tasty good food, and only 30-60 minute workouts.
There’s a better way my friends! The science of the whole30 and the results that I’ve experienced and others have experienced without becoming obsessed with food or going back to binge on crap speaks for itself.
I also got some great new recipes to try!
Feeling Good
I’ve been watching a Live Webseries with Brian Grasso and his wife Carrie a few times a week and one point that has really resonated with me is that what you are doing should feel good and if it does feel good you’re more likely to be successful.
They are exactly right.
It doesn’t mean that everything will feel comfortable and pleasant but it should ultimately feel good.
When I was dieting for the fitness competition, I did NOT feel good. I felt terrible both mentally and physically.
I didn’t feel good about myself: Looked to social media for validation and Approval
I didn’t feel good physically: Low energy levels, exhausted, having digestive problems,
I didn’t feel good mentally: obsessive thoughts about food, obsessed with the scale, too many mental hangups about food, binge issues
That experience did not feel good which is why I needed to stop.
During this process I feel good. That doesn’t mean that it’s always easy or always feels comfortable but ultimately I feel good and that’s what I focus on. That’s why I am able to keep going with this. I’m not turning it into a struggle so I feel like I am doing something or can get approval from others.
Early Morning Workouts are back on
On my Annual Roadmap from Todd Durkin, he asked what we were doing when life work best.
For me it was working out early in the morning. It stimulates my creativity and I’m much more productive. I also enjoy all of the cheerful people in the gym early in the morning.
Still doing Hammer and Chisel 2 mornings or so per week and a gym session early morning as well. I’m really enjoying myself.
I do these workouts fasted. Personally I stopped caring what the experts have to say about that. It’s what works for me and I’m going to stick with what works for me.
What’s Next???
Well Whole30 80% of the time and….Quesadillas 20% of the time. For me what tends to work is Monday-Friday eat this way and on the weekends loosen up and by loosen up I mean: Flax Muffin, Protein Waffle, Pho, Sushi, Fro Yo, etc. Just foods that aren’t necessarily compliant. It doesn’t mean a Free For All.
I still do 3 meals per day on the weekends and there’s no need to binge.
Workouts will stay the same for the rest of the quarter. I feel great and here’s to more success!
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