One of my Goals this year was to be more consistent with sharing my own journey on this blog.  I won’t be doing the daily selfies and telling you about each and every one of my workouts because:

a) That’s not my thing

b) After a while you just feel like saying, “Nobody cares”

c) It’s part of my lifestyle like brushing my teeth.  I don’t see people posting pictures of themselves every day with their toothbrush in hand and a caption that says: Really blasted that tartar and plaque today!

ANYWAY I thought I would just be more regular about sharing what I’m doing on here.

2017 Fitness Goals

  • Continue to Thrive with a Whole Foods and Health Based Diet
  • Fit Back into my Pants
  • Do 3 Pull ups again by my birthday

That’s it.  Pretty simple.  I am focused on the process of accomplishing these goals rather than getting caught up in the results.

I weighed myself after the Holidays more so for an experiment and I only gained 2 pounds during that period so this is a great sign that my body is metabolizing food the way it should!

Nutrition: Whole30

On January 9 I started my second Whole30.

Since I know what to expect this time, I’m feeling good about it.  I’m excited to try some new recipes and also cut the cravings for sugar.

After it’s complete I will go back to my 5 days a week Whole30-ish nutrition/2 Days ease up.

Workouts: Hammer and Chisel/Metabolic Workouts

On my Yearly Roadmap, I wrote down that one of the habits I had when life was working best was early morning workouts.  This month I’ve committed to doing Early Mornings 3x per week and so I use The Master’s Hammer and Chisel to get these in.

I do the workouts right at my house so I don’t have to go anywhere and since it has been raining, I can do these workouts instead of going to the gym.

They are a mixture of strength training, balance, plyometrics, and cardio. This program covers all bases.

There’s an actual program included and  I’m committed to actually going through the whole program. it will take me longer than 60 Days since I do still go to the gym and do other things but I’m completing the program.

Each time I complete a workout I check it off.


NOTE:  I am an honest person and will tell you that earphones are NOT a bad thing to use during this workout.

I am planning an 8 week challenge group in the Spring to go through this so stay tuned.  I have learned my lesson and now I put myself through any program I ask anyone else to sign up for.

I do like the fact that these workouts cover all bases of fitness and have a lot of strength training including a tempo workout.  Great program design!

So here we are with  our first week!  Cheers to making it my healthiest year yet!!