Happy 4th Quarter!

2021 is almost over.  I can’t even believe it.  It feels like a lot has happened in the last 9 months and so my mantra to everyone is to give yourself time and to give yourself grace about how you’re navigating life during this period of time.

I recently attended my first concert since the pandemic and it was great!  I got vaccinated so that I could resume life and activities without worrying about getting severely ill.  I had a great time and look forward to doing more of those types of activities.

Covid isn’t going away anytime soon so we will learn to live with it and adjust accordingly.  Most doctors believe Covid will be endemic (disease will be localized) due to vaccines and natural immunity from prior infection and so life will go on.

This fall I hope to be able to participate in some of my favorite holiday traditions that we missed last year Holiday Parties, Christmas Services, and getting together with friends.

What are you looking forward to this Fall?

Remember it may take time to want to get back into the swing of things so be patient with yourself!

Nutrition Tip: Clean out Your Pantry this Fall

In my 12 Week  Live Better Transformational Coaching Program, in the first 4 weeks, I have clients do a Pantry Raid and clean out old and unhealthy foods.

Getting your pantry organized and functional will make it much easier to make healthier meals and you will also be more motivated to actually cook nutritious foods.

Tips for a Successful Pantry Raid

  • One cabinet at a time: Clean out your pantry in pieces so it’s not so overwhelming.
  • Out with the Old: This is the easy part: Throw out everything that is expired and old
  • Cut the Crap:  Clean out all the junk that you KNOW gets you off track and isn’t good for you
  • Make a List for replacements: Have what you need when you need it
  • Stock up on pantry essentials: Beans, Rice, Baking ingredients, Pasta, Soups, Pickles, Condiments, etc.

Nutrition Find: Evolve Protein Shake

I’m on the go quite a bit and sometimes there is no time to stop for food or there are no healthy options available so I’m not above drinking Protein shakes.

The issue is that many shakes are filled with not-so-great ingredients or they are not kind to your stomach.

I found these on sale at Costco and have been enjoying them.  Easy on the stomach, plant-based, and taste good.  Definitely part of my rotation




Fitness Tip: Take the 30×5 Challenge This Fall

How much movement should you be getting every week?
The American College of Sports Medicine recommends 150 minutes of Physical Activity per week. You can break it up however you like but an easy way to remember it is 30 minutes of exercise x 5 Days per week
Challenge yourself this month and write it down!







What I’m Reading: A Day of Fire: A Novel of Pompeii
6 Short Fictional Stories about the final days of Pompeii from 6 different authors.  Well researched with vivid characters, it’s a great account of what the city of Pompeii experienced before and during the cataclysmic eruption of Mt. Vesuvius

What I’m Watching: 30 Rock.
I think part of me loves this because the Tina Fey character Liz Lemon because I wanted to BE her at one time.  A TV writer who is determined to be taken seriously.  Tina Fey and Alec Baldwin are hilarious in this show.  How did I miss this?

What I’m Looking Forward to this Fall
Pumpkin Bread, Hot Cocoa, and those awful Hallmark Christmas Movies!  LOL!