When the gyms closed due to the Covid-19 pandemic, I found myself needing something more to keep my workout motivation going. Fore years, I had been hearing about all of the awesome Peloton instructors so I decided to sign up for a 3-month trial membership.

I was hooked.

I don’t have a Peloton Bike or Treadmill but you don’t need either one to get tremendous value from a Peloton membership.  I do strength training classes, Barre, Pilates, Walking, Running (on the Treadmill at the gym), Cardio classes, and Yoga. I love them all.

In my opinion, we’re getting a steal at $12.99 per month for the membership with all of the excellent content that is available on the app.

Here are 3 reasons why I think you should invest in the Peloton app.

  1. Variety and Time Efficient Workouts
  2. Professional Fitness Trainers
  3. Accountability and Tracking to help you show up.

Variety and Time Efficient Workouts

Above you can see how many classes I’m enjoying even without a Bike or a Treadmill at my house. There are so many great options for classes so you don’t get bored and there’s something from beginners to advanced trainers. (Come on…Usain Bolt has a Peloton and he’s not the only former pro athlete on there either)

I have really been enjoying the outdoor walking classes for recovery days or just when I need to get moving.  Who can’t get excited about a 30 minute walk to 80’s music or  R&B music. It’s awesome!

But I don’t have time to workout…

Everyone has 10-20 minutes per day for exercise especially if you’re spending more than 10-20 minutes watching Television and on Instagram.

If you’re busy, then Peloton has 5,10,15, and 20-minute workouts to mix and match or to do solo. Something is better than nothing and if time was your excuse for not working out, then Peloton is a great option for you.

Professional Fitness Trainers

I have been in the fitness business for over 15 years and I know what good training looks like and Peloton trainers are top-notch.

I can tell that these are real trainers and not models who are there to hawk products. I have been impressed with their programming and program design for strength training classes.  I’ve even started incorporating some of the techniques and cues into my workouts for my clients.

I wanted to get back into running because it is really good for my mental and emotional well-being.  I’ve been doing the Running classes on the gym treadmill for the past 2 months and I’ve improved so much. I even learned a great tip from instructor Jess Sims about doing a warm-up run before the class to get warmed up and get my mind right.  I put on a great song to do it and I think it’s made a difference in how I’m feeling during the runs and my endurance.

These instructors are professionals and they know how to motivate participants.

I also need to give a shout-out to the musical choices.  30-minute Runs to 1990’s R&B? Yoga to Whitney’s I Wanna Dance with Somebody and Morning Yoga to Jill Scott singing the Way?


One thing I learned during my time as a Les Mills Bodypump instructor is that music takes the workout to a different level and Peloton does a great job with this.

Accountability and Tracking

What makes investing in the Peloton app more valuable than just doing free workout videos or old home workout videos is that there is accountability in the app because you can schedule your workout so you actually show up and they track your workouts.

Tracking is one of the best tools for increasing motivation and compliance because you have the visuals for what you’re actually accomplishing doing. Visual tracking gives the motivation and keeps you pushing to do your best.

The monthly challenges keep me in the game because sometimes I think I really want that “Silver or Gold” medal for the month.  It motivates me to do an extra workout that I may not have done otherwise.

I also like being able to see how many workouts I’ve done and seeing the milestones.  For instance, I have a goal to complete 25 runs before Labor Day and knowing how many I’ve done gives me the motivation to keep going and not give up

By tracking and focusing on what you’ve already accomplished, it’s much more encouraging to stick with your workout program and set goals.

It’s a great investment

I honestly can’t think of any workout studio where I can pay $12.99 per month and have access to so many types of different workout classes. They are constantly updating the content so you won’t get bored.  They even have workouts to classical music so there is truly something for everyone.

Since I am trying to get back into running, I take the beginner running classes and it’s challenging but not so advanced to the point that I would get discouraged.

If you’re trying to get back into shape or you’re starting out, then there are plenty of classes for you as well. Start with 10 minutes and go from there.

I am not getting paid to shill for Peloton so this is an honest blog post about why I think Peloton is a great investment.  I have gone back to the gym and I don’t believe it has to be either/or.  I believe it is both/and since I do the running classes on the treadmill at the gym as well as some of the core classes as well to warm up.

2020 changed the game for fitness and I believe Peloton has been a big help for many of us to keep us motivated and encouraged so that we keep taking care of ourselves in uncertain times.

At the end of the day, the most important thing we can do for ourselves during these times is to take care of our whole selves: Mentally, Spiritually, Emotionally, and Physically.  Physical exercise is one of the best ways to do this and using tools like Peloton to assist us is a great investment for today and the future.