March 2021: There is a light at the end of the tunnel
This past week our pastor announced that the church would be reopening in April at 25% capacity.  He was SO excited to announce it to the congregation and I was SO excited to hear it at home.

After an entire year of not being together in person due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it was a RELIEF to hear that we were going to be coming together again very soon.

Many people I know have gotten their second vaccines. The relief and joy they share about finally being able to go out with friends, travel, and most importantly be together with family lift my spirits.

While we are definitely not out of the woods with the pandemic, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Spring is Awakening after the long Dark Winter

We mourn those who we lost and we look forward to rebuilding our lives and releasing the fear that has permeated society for the past year.

This Spring I encourage you to determine how you will honor the change in seasons both in the natural world and also the transition to our post pandemic world.  This has been a traumatic event and we must take the time to process what has happened so that we can move forward.

Throughout history when catastrophes have happened, the people remaining  were forced to pick up the pieces and move forward.  Life went on.

Transitioning from Winter to Spring

Here are some of the things I like to do as we transition from Winter to Spring
  • Get up earlier: I don’t sleep as long in the Spring/Summer so I do get up an hour or so earlier.
  • Get out and Walk:   More hours of Daylight = More time to get out and get some Fresh Air and Vitamin D.
  • Enjoy More Fruits and Vegetables:  One principle of Chinese Medicine say that in the Colder Months we should eat more hot foods and in the warmer months we should eat colder foods (Like Salads…Protein Smoothies)
  • Change up your workouts: If you’ve been doing more heavier strength training, switch to lighter workouts, stretching, or experiment with circuit training
  • Clean up your Space:  Spring Cleaning is a thing.  You’ll feel so much better as you clean out the old to make room for the new.

March Fitness Challenge
8 Walks/12 Workouts

I’ve decided to sign up for another 40 Day Fitness Challenge from Nicole Wilkins.  This one is one of my favorites: Buns N Guns!

I’ve got my 10 Peloton workout challenge and I’m in for 8 Walks as well.

Let’s not collapse and fumble the ball on the 1 yard line.  We’re gonna make it!