There’s a post making the rounds on social media that says:

If you don’t come out of this quarantine 
with a new skill, Your side hustle started, and more knowledge
You never lacked time
You lacked discipline

Friends, this is stupid.

For Pete’s Sake this is a Pandemic! It’s not a vacation. We are experiencing a once every hundred years event!

Along with the fears of illness, there are major concerns about our nation’s economic and health systems failing.

People are being furloughed and laid off left and right from their jobs. We are facing some uncertain times.

This is not the time to be pushing the Achievement Olympics.  Nor is this the time to be pushing Hustle and Grind to sell dreams.

For many people this is a time to be still and reflect on what matters most.  It is a time to refocus and reassess our paths in life.

At the root of it, some people only feel like they’re worthy if they’re achieving things. “Hustling and grinding” is their religion.  Without the constant “grinding” they would lack purpose and meaning to their lives.  Plus nonstop hustling and grinding provides a distraction from life and is an attempt to fill voids.

The root cause of our behaviors is precisely what we need to be re-evaluating during this time of quarantine.  When reality hits and completely shifts our lifestyle we need to be sure that we are rooted in a firm foundation and not a house of cards.

Speaking of House of Cards, those side hustles people were running…many of those are done. Unless you truly are providing a valuable service, I predict a lot of these side hustles are going to go out of business.

Not only do people not have money to waste on folks selling hopes and dreams, it’s going to come out that many of the hope and dream sellers never had it like that. They were hustling and grinding with your money but not providing any valuable service.

Give yourself permission to do…Nothing and enjoy it

I have had days when I was lower energy.  Instead of trying to FORCE myself into productivity, I rolled with it.

I texted with a friend. 
I watched Veep
I listened to Music

I was alright with that. I did enough.

The next day I did a little more but I’ve learned that my self worth does not depend on achieving things.

I gave up the hustle mentality a couple years ago.  A lot of the time “hustling” is chaotic energy that lacks focus. You’re running around but not accomplishing much. My results improved when I slowed down, got focused, and didn’t do so much.

I also became at peace with myself and where I m in life so that I don’t need to be busy to distract from my own life.

Give yourself permission to take a break, log off, not answer email or texts.

Give yourself permission to Be Still
Give yourself permission to catch up with friends and family
Give yourself permission to just be

Most of us have not lived through something like this before.  It’s okay to admit fear and worry. 

It’s not okay to add more pressures to an already unimaginable situation.

Here’s a revised version to that social media post which is the right way to go!