Bad Blood, John Carreyou

This is the saga of Elizabeth Holmes and her fraudulent company Theranos. Once hailed as the Female Steve Jobs, it all came crashing down once two brave whistleblowers (one of whom risked his familial relationships) exposed the truth: It was all lies. Even worse, the health of innocent people were put at risk due to the deception of Holmes and her fake testing devices.

This is a cautionary tale of what happens when something looks good, sounds good, has lots of bells and whistles but has no real substance to it under the surface.

It’s also a tale of how even the smartest and most accomplished people can be deceived.

It’s also a good reminder to trust your gut both professionally and personally when it appears something isn’t right.

The ONE Thing, Gary Keller

2019 marked my most successful year in my self employment journey and I attribute much of that to the fact that I became laser focused on what was already bringing me success.

Some coaches and gurus like to preach more more more and running all over the place but that produces a lack of focus and you end up feeling scattered.

I loved this book The ONE Thing because it is the antithesis of what’s preached at some of these business conferences and on the internet. Stop trying to do 100 things and focus on the ONE thing that will bring you success.

You can read the Full Review HERE

The Coddling of the American Mind

Mental health is deteriorating in this country and the epidemic of mental illness among our young people is particularly disturbing.

The authors of, The Coddling of the American Mind ask if what’s happening on many campuses in the United States is contributing to the declining mental health among our young people.

The book discusses 3 Great Untruths that are now being promoted in the educational system and our culture at large.

3 Great Untruths 

  1. Avoid risks because what doesn’t kill you makes you weaker instead of stronger. We shouldn’t challenge ourselves 
  2. Always trust your feelings
  3. Everything is Us vs Them: Victim and oppressor

This book contains Discussions about fragility, safetyism, group think and mob mentality. I think this book is vital to read and if you have children, then I think it’s definitely important to read so that you can buck the trend of fragility and raise your children to have grit and be independent thinkers.