My Goal for the 3rd Quarter was to get 45 workouts in and I finished with 41 workouts. Whenever I set goals I always make it a little more challenging to have something to stretch and grow toward. I will say that a couple of times I went to work out because I wanted to make sure I hit my goal for the month so it is a great tool!

My Goal this Quarter is 40 workouts and 15 Yoga Classes

Stretch and Strengthen

In the Third Quarter I started doing a lot of yoga because that’s what my body and life needed. I had gotten myself all worked up and I needed somewhere to channel that energy physically. This wasn’t the right time for high intensity workouts because that would have put me even more out of balance. Instead I turned to yoga for the stillness, stretching, and calming effects.

Now that I am in a better space I find that my body still wants and needs the Yoga. Flexibility is often the most neglected component of fitness (along with recovery) and the lack of flexibility is what leads to further muscle imbalances and eventual injury.

Right now my sweet spot seems to be 2-3 Strength Workouts and 2 Yoga Classes per week.

No Fear Holiday Season

As a Fitness Professional, this time of year can be annoying because the industry is busy scaring people with the annual:

Be Afraid of Gaining a ton of weight that you won’t lose this Holiday season so join my restrictive diet and exercise program beforehand!

Several years ago I read that one of the causes of weight gain for Americans are the Holidays. People gain anywhere from 3-10 pounds every year and never lose it.

That being said being proactive and aware during this time of year but restricting or just going for a free-for-all is not the way to go.

Here are several strategies I use during this time of year:

  • I don’t restrict: If I want it, then I’ll have it. You will be surprised at what that simple action does. Enjoy the food this time of year! You will be surprised at how this technique changes your mindset. You don’t feel the need to eat like it’s your last chance and you can enjoy the treats without guilt.
  • Intermittent Fasting: The foods we eat this time of year is heavy and can be hard on the digestion. I don’t starve myself but I employ Intermittent Fasting during this time of year naturally in order to give my digestion a break.
  • Strength Training: Let’s get one thing straight – You don’t need to earn your food. This is a great time to put that extra fuel to good use though in the gym with strength training.
  • Relax and Be Honest about what is really eating you: This is a stressful and emotional time of year for many people. Perhaps we distract ourselves from the anxiety, depression, and stress of the season with food and thinking about food.

Have a great Stretch and Strengthen November!!!