I have been doing Intermittent Fasting since August 2018 and while I was a skeptic at first, I think it can be useful to those who find themselves stuck in their health goals or for those who need a more structured approach.

Intermittent Fasting is NOT dieting.  There are several methods but the method that I use and will be using in our challenge is the 8 hour eating window.

You pick an 8 hour window (I do 12 p.m. – 8p.m) and that is when you eat.  You fast for the remaining 16 hours.

What the Research says

From Annual Review of Nutrition

  • Modified fasting regimens appear to promote weight loss and may improve metabolic health


  • . Several lines of evidence also support the hypothesis that eating patterns that reduce or eliminate nighttime eating and prolong nightly fasting intervals may result in sustained improvements in human health.


  • Intermittent fasting regimens are hypothesized to influence metabolic regulation via effects on (a) circadian biology, (b) the gut microbiome, and (c) modifiable lifestyle behaviors, such as sleep.

Provides Structure

Americans have the habit of snacking instead of eating meals and tend to snack all day long.  This leads to elevated blood sugar levels which can cause insulin resistance and of course weight gain.

Anecdotally I have heard stories from people who work in the tech sectors (where food and snacks are available 24/7), share that when they implemented the Intermittent Fasting method they:

  • stopped snacking all day and night
  •  made a point to eat actual meals
  • had more energy
  •  slept better
  • experienced remarkable fat loss.

What do I eat when Intermittent Fasting?

I eat my normal foods when intermittent fasting.  At first I was worried about bingeing but that turned out not to be a problem.

I was also concerned about cravings but that wasn’t a problem either. I have read that is because your body is properly digesting food  (leading to a healthier gut microbiome as the research above stated)  and you’re tapping into your fat stores for energy.

Intermittent Fasting is a great experiment to run on yourself to see how you respond!