Pamela was our winner for the December Challenge.

That is a significant accomplishment because December is a hard month to commit to a new habit but Pamela pushed through to the end.

Pamela’s habit for the month was journaling. It’s one of the biggest personal development tools. If you ever want to get unstuck in life and move forward, then you need to start writing out all those thoughts, dreams, visions, and stuff in your head

Here is Pamela’s Story:

I love journaling but I had gotten away from the consistency of it, so this Challenge kept me on course and reminded me to do it daily as opposed to randomly.

I was able to talk out my feelings and process what was going on with me. Recognizing issues is a first step in the right direction!

Man! Journaling is a terrific tool to help get an understanding of what’s floating around in your head. That piece of paper is a wonderful sounding board that will take all of your feelings and keep them safe and private until you’re ready to make positive change happen!

Any time you’re looking to make positive changes happen in your life, understanding what’s in your head is key. We all feel like we’re either without flaws or completely flawed and no one is either of those extremes. Journaling helps an individual get a barometer on where they are so they know their starting point.