I can’t believe this is my last week on the Whole30.
Honestly when I started this experiment I thought it was going to be really tough. I even thought that it may be too restrictive and I would need to stop because I did not want to go back to the disordered eating habits I had worked through these past 2 years.
I did not want to become hyper focused on food and micromanaging everything.
I’m pleased to say that has not happened.
Well Fed
This has got to be the most well fed I have been in the past 2 years. By that I mean that I am getting enough nutrients and better than that my body is absorbing the nutrients. How can I tell? I don’t get the 3 p.m. “sleepies” anymore and also I don’t snack much at all anymore. Maybe a few nuts here and there or some berries but because the food is so nutrient dense I have no need to snack.
Weight Loss and Good Nutrition
I want to pause and share this little nugget with you. When I was at my leanest, my nutrition was not good. I was overdoing the artificial sweeteners and my body was starving for real nutrients. I ate garbage that I hadn’t eaten in years like Pop Tarts because I was so hungry and wanted something that was quick and digesting post workout.
I was lean and had lost weight but my nutrition was not good and I felt it: chronically tired, no energy, trouble sleeping, and obsessed with food.
This is the issue with many crash diets today. They will help you lose weight but they don’t teach you anything about good nutrition or how to fuel your body properly and you feel terrible on them the longer you do it. I can report with my Whole30 experience I’ve only felt better as it has gone on and others who I’ve talked to have reported the same.
As I have said on numerous occasions, I would take the 30 pounds weight gain over feeling terrible like I did when I was that lean.
Weight Loss is a byproduct of good nutrition but Good Nutrition is not necessarily a byproduct of Weight Loss.
Say it again for the people in the back!
Out of the Food Rut

One Skillet Meals are a Fave. Just Add Olive Oil, Protein, and whatever Veggies are going bad in the refrigerator, plus Coconut Aminos
These are just two of the meals that I’ve cooked over the past few days.
This really hasn’t been a struggle and I honestly think that anybody who has ever dieted for a physique competition will tell you that if you can do that for longer than 4 weeks, then you can do anything.
I am officially out of my Food Rut! I’ve been INTENTIONAL about trying new recipes and I’ve also established a cooking routine which has helped tremendously.
If you follow me on Instagram or my Health and Lifestyle Facebook page, then I’ve been sharing a lot of what I’ve been doing. During the week I cook quick, delicious, and healthy meals. On the weekends I venture out and cook more complicated things and it’s been wonderful. No wonder this hasn’t felt horrible
Eating 3 Meals per day and No Coffee???
The only rule besides the foods that have been off limits these past 3 weeks was to eat 3 meals per day. I know many of you have been taught that we need to eat 5-6 meals a day and I used to tell people that as well but current science says that there is no substantial effect on the metabolism and can I be honest? I don’t think all of that snacking is necessary if you’re well fed and getting the nutrients you need from your meals.
OK the other big thing has been I’ve not had any Coffee since I started this and I’m still alive! All I’ve been drinking is water with lemon or super water with water, lemon, ginger, and Himalayan Sea Salt.
I do miss the taste of coffee and I will be adding it back in when this is over. My wonderful client, Stephanie found something called Nutpods which is non dairy/non soy creamer. I will be ordering it off of Amazon Prime this week so I can have my coffee again next week. It’s my thing!
The only thing I will be adding back in next week other than coffee is my nutrition shake.
Oh and maybe some Turkey Breakfast Sausage or other treat on the weekend but other than that I will be keeping this up until Thanksgiving.
Last official week on the Whole30! Can’t wait to share my thoughts at the end!
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