For years, I exercised but felt frustrated when I didn’t see results.  I finally decided to get help from a personal trainer and met Geneva.  She began by evaluating my level of fitness and had me keep a food journal.  I wish I could say it was easy from there.  There were a few times when I sunk to the bottom of, “the valley of faith”, as Geneva called it.  I wanted to give up, but Geneva kept me going and kept me accountable.  She wouldn’t let me give up on myself.  Trusting in the process, creating goals, and keeping weekly training sessions my body and self worth have transformed.  I have more energy now than I’ve had in years.  My clothes started to hang off by body.  Friends would say, “You can’t wear those pants anymore. They are way too big on you! You look great!”  What awesome compliments.  The biggest achievement thus far is completing my first half marathon, 13.1 miles.  Before I started training with Geneva, I never thought I would be running let alone finishing a half marathon!  So trust in the process, make goals and you’ll soon have success.

-Eleanor D.

Geneva says: I couldn’t be more proud of Eleanor. She has lost nearly 40 pounds, but the best part is that because of her own journey she has become an inspiration to others to get healthy, and now even leading a running group. She has had a total life transformation!