I joined 24 Hour Fitness three years ago because of the convenience. For my warm-up I would walk to the gym I put together weight training regimen from what I had seen at other gyms, but I knew I needed professional help to find something that worked for me.

When I was sixty (four years ago) , I had a bone density test which showed loss of bone but not to the point requiring drugs.  I learned weight training could help bone density but I needed someone knowledgeable so I consulted a personal trainer, Geneva.   She went over my program then added some additional routines and eliminated those that were redundant.  I do this routine 2-3 times a week for both mind and body benefits. Last year I had another bone density test which showed great improvement.

I turn 65 in two months and plan to continue the weight routines in addition to walking 5 miles a day.  I am not doing this to live to 100 but because I want to be as healthy as possible until I die.

-Pat M.

Geneva: Pat is a very hard worker and has no problem going over into the weight room.   She proves that age and gender are NOT excuses to skip weight workouts, and the results are definitely worth it!