5 Reasons why you shouldn’t quit on your Healthy Lifestyle in December

For the past few weeks I have warned my Group Fitness Classes to continue coming to class as we approach the end of the year.

It is so easy to say, “I’ll start again in January” but seeing that most people quit on their New Years Resolutions by January 17 this isn’t the best strategy.

Here are 5 Reasons why December is the perfect month to focus on self care.

1.  End of the Year Chaos at work and otherwise

Work can become super stressful as companies do end of the year reviews and re-evaluate what is working and what isn’t working. You may be working extra hours to complete big projects or making hard decisions.

The Holidays are also very tough for people who may have lost loved ones or feel isolated and depressed.  Now more than ever you need to make taking care of yourself a priority.

To combat stress you need rest, nutrient dense food, and exercise to keep yourself in tip top condition.

2.  You don’t want to get sick

80% of your immune system is made up of your digestive tract. If you don’t want to end up sick in bed, then you need to make sure you are eating a nutrient dense diet and getting plenty of rest.

3.  Self Care needs to be a lifestyle

We need to start thinking of self care as a LIFESTYLE and not something that we do for New Years.  You need to eat well, exercise, drink enough water, and get enough sleep for the majority of the year so that when this season rolls around you can enjoy it and then carry on with your life.

The Fitness Industry likes to push January and Summertime as the only time when people should care about their health but if you’re alive, then you should care about your health all year long.

You still need to be healthy in December.

4.  Nothing will change when January comes around

Pretty much this.   It has been shown that people give up on their New Years Resolutions by January 17.  Nothing will change unless you do.

5.  Holiday Weight Gain doesn’t go away

One of the main factors of weight gain is weight gained over the Holidays.  With all of the rich food, alcohol, and cold weather people tend to put on the pounds and they never lose them.  An extra 5-6 pounds every year that you never lose will start to add up.

Staying on your regular eating and exercise routine while enjoying treats will help prevent the “free for all last chance” mindset that leads to bingeing on  and feeling terrible.

A Healthy Lifestyle does not need to be ALL or NOTHING.

Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables!
Move your body for 30 minutes every day!
Enjoy the cookies, eggnog, and pie!!