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Fitness Competition Journal: 20 weeks of training completed. Phase 2: Game on! Expected Competition date = Don’t worry about it

I have completed 20 weeks of training towards my goal of becoming a Figure Competitor. That in itself is an accomplishment that I need to take a moment to celebrate.  I would also like to add that I've seen progress every single cycle. Things have changed again. This week has brought about a major shift ... read more >

By |July 22nd, 2014|Workouts|0 Comments

Perspective Change: Time to be realistic about how long it takes to achieve fat loss

With the rise of social media, I fear that people are becoming even MORE unrealistic about how long it actually takes to create a sustainable atmosphere for fat loss. It does not happen overnight and it shouldn't be the entire focus This is where I think REAL bodybuilding gets it right.  Bodybuilders typically have an ... read more >

By |July 14th, 2014|Fiercely Fit Mindset|0 Comments

Fitness Rules to Break You only need to work your muscles every other day

Disclaimer: I need to preface this post with this disclaimer:  Programming all depends on your training goals.  My posts are generally targeted to general fitness/fat loss clients and not sport specific.  Severely de-conditioned clients may need extra rest days to recover, but the goal is to improve conditioning (faster recovery) so you are able to ... read more >

By |July 9th, 2014|Workouts|0 Comments