Fitness Competition Journal: 20 weeks of training completed. Phase 2: Game on! Expected Competition date = Don’t worry about it
I have completed 20 weeks of training towards my goal of becoming a Figure Competitor. That in itself is an accomplishment that I need to take a moment to celebrate. I would also like to add that I've seen progress every single cycle. Things have changed again. This week has brought about a major shift ... read more >
Stop being so focused on the scale and focus on your body composition
If you're on social media, then you have probably seen ads that claim that ____________ went to enter whatever quick fix method (supplements, bootcamp, challenge, etc) and lost 25 lbs in 30 days and is now happier than ever. Really now? I'm not going to sit here and be so self righteous and act like ... read more >
Perspective Change: Time to be realistic about how long it takes to achieve fat loss
With the rise of social media, I fear that people are becoming even MORE unrealistic about how long it actually takes to create a sustainable atmosphere for fat loss. It does not happen overnight and it shouldn't be the entire focus This is where I think REAL bodybuilding gets it right. Bodybuilders typically have an ... read more >
Fitness Competition Journal: Losing sight of the real goal and 8 week Progress Photos
My mind is right. I knew I was back on track when "Baby Boy" by Beyonce came on during my warm-ups and I had my choreography ready. I also sang out random songs and danced around during my workout. I am back. I also had an EXCELLENT conversation with my coach about why I got ... read more >
Fitness Rules to Break …Cut Calories and Do Hours of Cardio to lose Body fat (Part 1)
Warning: These next few posts will require you to throw out everything conventional wisdom, social media, and the mainstream fitness/marketing media tells you about fat loss. I knew I could not do this one in a single post and it looks like I'm going to be camped out here for a while, but I'm passionate ... read more >
Fitness Rules to Break You only need to work your muscles every other day
Disclaimer: I need to preface this post with this disclaimer: Programming all depends on your training goals. My posts are generally targeted to general fitness/fat loss clients and not sport specific. Severely de-conditioned clients may need extra rest days to recover, but the goal is to improve conditioning (faster recovery) so you are able to ... read more >