Home New2020-08-06T19:46:08-07:00

Soup’s On!

It's cold here in the Bay Area!  I have a client who has a relative in North Dakota where it can get down to -49.  How do you even live like that?  When it gets below 50, then it is COLD. In February we're focused on getting more vegetables and soup is a great way ... read more >

By |February 18th, 2019|Workouts|0 Comments

Why the Healthiest Thing You Do this Year may not have anything to do with Food and/or Exercise

I feel so passionately about the subject of the impact of social media on our mental health that I felt compelled to share it here. I've been on a Social Media Fast for the last 17 Days and it has been wonderful.. I have watched interviews with some of the people instrumental in designing social networks ... read more >

By |February 1st, 2019|Lifestyle|0 Comments

Do you want to be healthy?

On the surface, this seems like a dumb question.  Of course, you want to be healthy! Yes, but do you want to be healthy even if it means getting uncomfortable, doing things you don't want to do, getting up earlier, saying NO to toxic people and toxic behaviors, and putting your phone down. Earlier this ... read more >

By |January 26th, 2019|Wellness|0 Comments

Real Transformation

About Real Transformation I took a 12 week class that culminated in a life changing retreat. Coming off of the mountain where the retreat was held, I knew that my life had been forever changed. When talking with others who had taken the course and gone to the retreat, we realized we had undergone a ... read more >

By |January 11th, 2019|Lifestyle|0 Comments