After a great lower body workout, in order to work on stabilization strength, power, and to get the heart rate up I end with finishers. I usually like to do 100 reps of finisher exercises but if time permits, then I also will go for another round. I’ve included Modifications just in case you don’t have access to equipment or have injuries.
20 Reps of each
Back Extensions
Note: Squeeze your butt as you lift. This can also be done on the floor
Leg Extensions
Note: Slow and Steady wins the race. Do not use momentum. Smoooth.
Modification: Bodyweight Leg Extension
Note: You can also do this in a chair
Bridge on Stability Ball
Note: To Make it More Challenging, place feet on Top of stability ball as if you were going to step on it.
Modification: Floor Bridge
Regular Floor Bridges are also acceptable or try a single leg bridge
Stability Ball Hamstring Curl
Modification: Glute Kickbacks
Good Old Fashioned Glute Kickbacks are effective as well!
Pop Squats
Modification: Sumo Squats
Note: You don’t need weight to do this exercise
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