5 Ways to Outsmart the New Years Resolution Marketers.
1.Detoxes and cleanses are bogus
Please don’t waste your money. Your body already has a built in detox system called your kidneys and liver. You don’t need expensive juices or shakes for detoxes. Any weight that you lose will be mostly water and/or due to low calories. Save yourself time and money. and do it the natural way. Eat Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, and drink plenty of water. (In my newsletter I will be sharing some natural drinks that can help you with digestion)
2. Ask yourself if the program you’re being sold is sustainable:
If you can’t do it for six months, then what are the chances that you will stick with it? Signing up for restrictive diets ands excessive exercise programs is pointless if you’re only going to stay with it for 3 weeks before calling it quits. 50% of people quit on their resolutions by January. The goal is to have a HEALTHY LIFESTYLE not some quick fix that will be forgotten before the month is over.
Note: I have no issue with time bound programs such as 4 weeks, 6 weeks, etc. because it can help avoid the march to nowhere but these programs should have a sustainable feel to them as well. Simplicity + Consistency = Success. The goal should be to help you adopt a healthier lifestyle. You shouldn’t do the program and then go back to the way you were before. WASTE OF TIME.
3. Focus on Lifestyle Changes instead of Cosmetic Goals:
Are you getting enough sleep? How much water are your drinking? Do you drink high sugar juices? Are you eating a protein rich breakfast? How much alcohol do you drink every week Are you getting exercise at least 3x per week. If you concentrated on doing those three things, then I guarantee you will start to feel better and even see some cosmetic changes.
4. Don’t allow yourself to be overwhelmed with too much at once. Don’t try to overhaul your life because of the calendar.
The New Year can be a great time to refocus but don’t allow the calendar to pressure you into making unsustainable and unrealistic changes. Focus on ONE THING per month.
Ask yourself what is the ONE THING that I can focus on this month in order to LIVE BETTER? People who try to overhaul their entire lives because the calendar went from December to January usually get so overwhelmed that they end up quitting because it is too much.
Stick with ONE thing every month. By next December you could potentially have 12 new lifestyle habits which translates to LIFESTYLE TRANSFORMATION.
5. Be Intentional and write it down!
As the E-Card says above, just because the year changes doesn’t mean that you will. I get tired of the New Year, New You stuff. It won’t be a New You if you aren’t INTENTIONAL about TRANSFORMING into a New You. Go ahead and write down 3 Health and Fitness Goals. Let that be your roadmap. Again, Focus on Lifestyle Changes or performance goals.
Get off Blood Pressure Meds, Lower Cholesterol, Lower 10K Time,Be able to walk at least 3 miles, Improve Conditioning/Endurance, Eat More Vegetables, Limit Alcohol to 1-2x per week.
Happy New Year Friends!!! Here’s to LIVING BETTER in 2016!!!
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