Why Coconut Oil?
Fast forward to the 2010’s and Virgin Coconut Oil is all the rage as a beauty treatment and also for food. So what’s the big deal about coconut oil anyway and why should you include it in your diet?
As I teach my clients we want to burn fat for fuel. Our body prefers to burn carbohydrates as fuel and since most Americans have excess carbohydrates to burn we tend to be “sugar burners” rather than fat burners.
A great way to become a fat burner is to decrease your sugar intake and increase your protein/fat intake.
Coconut Oil is a Medium Chain Trigylceride. These fats are a great source of fuel for the body. MCT’s are more likely to used for fuel (burned as fat) than stored.
This does not give you license to douse your food in coconut oil but it is a great way to sautee your foods or even add to smoothies! Look for virgin coconut oil and enjoy!
Great for the hair and not bad for the skin either!!