January is a time of reflection of the previous year and looking ahead to the current year.

I think January is a great time to re-evaluate what is and isn’t working in your life.  It is a great time to make some upgrades and also a great time to let go of what’s no longer effective in your life.

This year my words are Intentional and Effective.  I want to be Intentionally Effective. This will make it much easier to say NO to distractions and to better be able to focus on what is actually having an effect.

If it’s ineffective, then it either needs to adjust or it has to go.  I set Intentions each year.  Here are some of mine.

My Wellness Intentions this year

  • Do all screening exams for my age
  • Regularly go to Farmers Market Again
  • Get 150 Active minutes on my Fitbit each week
  • Stretch and Strengthen at least 5x per week
  • Take the right Vitamins and Supplements for me

My Non-Wellness Intentions this year

  • Attend Live Music Events again
  • Visit friends
  • Get back to training clients in a studio AGAIN

What are some of your intentions this year?

Stay as healthy as possible this Winter by Eating nutritious food, moving regularly. getting out in the sunshine and fresh air, taking Vitamins, and making sure to avoid all of the high stress from the media.

Nutrition Tips and Finds

Tip of the Month: Boosting your Immune system with Good Nutrition

During the winter, colds, influenza, and now of course Covid put a damper on our plans.  We can help our immune systems by eating a healthy and nutritious diet.

My simple suggestion is always that Fresh is best!

Here are some suggestions for your Winter Grocery List

Vitamin C rich foods

  • Citrus fruits
  • Dark leafy greens
  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Green and Red peppers
  • Sweet and White potatoes
  • Winter squash
  • Tomatoes and tomato juice.

When you’re feeling ill

  • Chicken soup (my favorite is pho)
  • Green tea (boosts B cell antibodies, critical in adaptive immunity development), Honey (antibacterial and antimicrobial)
  • Elderberries (packs phytonutrients, antiviral).

Fermented foods to assist in gut health

  • Sauerkraut
  • Kimchi
  • Miso
  • Kefir
  • Raw, organic apple cider vinegar

Grocery Store Find: Good Belly Probiotic

I was having some Gastrointestinal issues due to an infection and my gut bacteria being completely out of wack. and I started taking probiotics and let me tell you the situation turned around.  I now have Textbook Bowel Movements.

I am now a weekly avid Probiotic taker along with eating Yogurt.  This particular brand is (surprisingly) affordable at Whole Foods.


Get your Brain in Shape with Exercise!

We know Exercise is good for your muscles, bones, and joints but it is also good for your brain.

3 Benefits of Exercise for Brain Health

  • increase blood flow to the brain, which delivers more oxygen and nutrients.
  • flushes inflammatory and oxidative elements out the brain faster.
  • An increase in a chemical called brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) which is almost like growth hormones for neurons

Which exercise is best for Exercise?
Aerobic and Resistance Training must be strenuous enough to get your blood pumping because cognitive decline often starts within our circulatory system and exercise helps our circulation more than anything.According to Dr. Dean Sherzai, a clinical neurologist and co-director of the Brain Health and Alzheimer’s Prevention Program at Loma Linda University, never skip leg day….for your brain’s sake.

He especially recommends exercises involving the legs, whether that’s walking, running, cycling, or weight lifting, because, “your legs — not the heart — are the largest pump in the body and moving that blood changes the architecture of the brain’s vascular system. It makes it healthier.”

Read More Here


What I’m NOT listening to

Fear Mongering from the News Media

Back in undergrad, we had the privilege of having a class taught by a former executive of one of the Big 3 TV Networks.  On the first day of class, he asked us what the purpose of Television was.  People came up with all sorts of answers and he told us point-blank

The purpose of Television is to sell Advertising.

The next time you watch a news broadcast or even when you’re online, look at who the advertising and sponsors are.  I’ll give you a hint: How many ads do you see during a news broadcast about prescription drugs?

It’s good to stay informed but TV and Websites need to please their advertising sponsors so you’re going to get “Fear to the infinite power” so you’ll keep tuning in and they can keep selling advertising.  This is terrible for your mental and emotional health.

What I’m Watching

Don’t Look Up, Netflix
Some have said that this is about climate change but I think it’s about every single crisis we’ve faced in this country.  A distracted populace that is amusing itself to death, hero-worship,  unserious leadership, pathetic journalism, billionaire sociopaths, and a major crisis on the way hit a little too close to home.

The Crown, Netflix
I am so late to the party but I am really enjoying The Crown on Netflix!  Must catch up by Season 5 Launch.