Happy New Year!

My purpose for creating this blog is to inspire, uplift, and encourage people to become better versions of themselves.  I truly believe 2013 is a year of transformation for many people.  As I encounter people from all walks of life on a daily basis, I hear a recurring theme:

I’m tired of getting by on minimal effort and getting minimal/mediocre results

We want more out of life.  
We’re bored and comfortable where we are.  
It’s time to move forward.
I’m there too because I’ve set some pretty scary goals for myself this year.  I look forward to sharing them with you on this blog and in person.  
 Right now is a great time to check our enthusiasm levels for #goals2013.  After working in gyms for a number of years, the first round of New Years Resolution members always leave the gym right around Valentine’s Day.
Maybe it’s because they got their sexy back and don’t need to come anymore, but I’m willing to bet it’s because we are at the magic 6 week mark.  This is where you begin to hear the following:
Well I’ve been doing all this working out and eating salad and it isn’t working.  I’ve lost 3lbs.  Forget this mess…Bring on the beer and french fries!”
“This is too hard.  I’m sore and tired.  Isn’t there some kind of pill I can take to burn fat?”
“It’s wintertime and I’m all covered up anyway.  I’ll just work out when it’s close to summer time so I can get rid of these grandma arms and spare tire.”
“I don’t have time for exercise and to plan my meals.  BTW have you watched the latest episode of Scandal or Downton Abbey?  What time are we going out for drinks?”

If any of these sound familiar, then please stay tuned.
For this month’s blog series, I will be discussing Unrealistic expectations.  If you have questions that you’d like me to answer, please e-mail them to me @ geneva.fortson@gmail.com OR you can send me a message on Facebook!