“It’s already been 6 weeks!! I’ve been eating salad and exercising and I’ve only lost 3lbs”
Last time I discussed the importance of being realistic about the time it takes to actually see permanent change and lasting change
General Rule: At least 1 year

This person is eating salad and exercising, but not seeing great results.  Eating salad is not a plan and I’m sure this person doesn’t have a consistent meal plan.  They probably eat “diet foods” (Lean Cuisines) or worse: This person is eating little to no food at all except salad.
In order to reach your goals successfully, you must have a plan and stick to it. 
There is a LOT of information out there and it can be tempting to switch from plan to plan and try everything when you’re not getting your desired results.

I encourage people to stick with a plan for about 2-4 weeks. If things really aren’t working, then it is time to move on and try a different approach.  
Key point: Find a Clean Eating and Effective Exercise plan and stick to it.

The 3 Ingredients for Fitness Success

1. Consistency
2. Eat Real Food
3. Exercise

1) Consistency

I don’t care what you’re doing, the way to be successful is to do it CONSISTENTLY.  If you’re inconsistent with your diet and exercise, then it will show in your progress.  

Here’s a piece of good news:
You do not need to be perfect. 
I have an 80/20 rule for most of my life.  80% of the time we will take care of business, 20% of the time we will have areas of opportunity.  
Think about this: If you eat clean 80% of the time, then 20% of the time you can enjoy some of your treats.  You’ll still see results and you can still enjoy life.  It has been my experience that once I have my treat, then I’m over it and don’t need it again.  A lot of the time I spent all that time fantasizing about the treat and it doesn’t even taste as good as my fantasy.  Isn’t that true of a lot of things?

2) Eat Real Food

What is Real Food?  Let’s keep it simple.
Food in its natural state, Unprocessed, Real Food, not a lot of ingredients like polaugjagngieitol acid.
Real Food Meal
It doesn’t just have to be salad!
Not a Real Food Meal
Full of sodium and lacking taste. You will also be hungry 5 minutes later

Simple Guidelines for Eating Clean

1) Avoid Processed/Convenience Foods- If that food can stay on the shelf for 3 years, think about what that means for your body.  I know all of these convenience foods where you microwave or bake for 5 minutes are supposed to make life easy, but they are doing long term damage to your health.  Eat Fresh whenever you can. 
General Rule: If it doesn’t go bad/spoil, then move on. 
2) Cut the Fast Food –  “It’s so expensive to eat clean. It’s much cheaper to go to MacDonald’s and Wendy’s.”  Lies and excuses.  Now, I’m as cheap as anybody.  I don’t frequent fast food joints much anymore, but last time I went to Jack in the Box the value meals were $7 and $8.  Now for that much I can make about 2-3 meals of Chicken, Rice, and Veggies.  So I know someone else is gonna say, “Well what about the .99 menu?”  Check it out:  You get a little hamburger and some fries.  You can get 3 or 4 hamburgers out of 1lb of hamburger.  A Russet Potato at Trader Joe’s is 39 cents.  You can make yourself a medium fries for .39.
Don’t believe the hype.
3) Don’t Drink Your Calories
The Devil

Drinking high calorie coffee drinks, soft drinks, and even “healthy smoothies” are killer to clean eating. They are full of sugar and extra calories that your body does not need. Save it for your 20% treat.

Jamba Juice should be a treat, it is not a health drink

What about juice?

Unless you’re juicing your own fruits and veggies, I’m not a fan.  Most commercial juices are full of sugar and you’re better off eating the actual fruit because it contains fiber.   I read once that a 16 oz of orange juice is equivalent to about 6 oranges. You’re better off eating the orange.  Juices can be a treat.

Resources for Clean Eating

1) Clean Eating Magazine-Found in your local grocery store

The recipes are NOT boring, and the magazine provides plans to get started

2) Tosca Reno’s Eat Clean Diet Book and Website

You can also find Tosca at the Eat Clean Diet blog: Eat Clean Diet and also on Facebook.  The woman is beyond inspirational.  She’s in her 50’s, transformed her body and life with clean eating, and did I mention she does fitness competitions?

3) Eating for Life

From the author of Body for Life

Order at Amazon.com

4) Bodybuilding.com

Bodybuilding.com spokesperson, Jamie Eason
This is what a clean eating diet looks like!
No it isn’t just Chicken Breasts and sweet potatoes:  This site is an invaluable resource for recipes and workouts.  This particular page focuses on clean eating recipes with the goal of shedding fat.  
Truth: Abs are not made on a stupid crunch machine.  
They are made in the kitchen!

Action Steps

1) Keep a food journal- Don’t just track calories and fat.  Write down what time you ate your meal, what you ate, and how you feel.  Write when you’re hungry.  You must learn your habits, so that you can begin changing one at a time.

2) Overhaul one vice/meal at a time Everyone has SOMETHING that trips them up.  For me, it is fried foods.  When I came out of the wilderness, I imposed a 90 day ban on fried foods.  You will be surprised at how your cravings will disappear after a while.

I also encourage people to overhaul one meal at a time:  I prefer to start with breakfast or Meal 1.  I believe it sets the tone for the rest of the day.  If you’re used to eating nothing, donuts, or worse…then this is a great place to start.
The above resources have great breakfast ideas.

3) Strive for consistency NOT perfection- You aren’t going to eat perfectly all of the time, and nor should you.  This is real life.  Birthday parties happen, celebrations happen, meltdowns happen.  We’re striving for CONSISTENCY NOT PERFECTION.
Follow the 80/20 rule.  If you’re eating well throughout the week, go ahead and have a cheat meal on the weekend.  Have a treat.  Have your cheat and treat!  Notice that wasn’t plural.  The weekends aren’t the time to eat the whole buffet, but it is a time to allow yourself a treat.  
As you begin to eat clean, you’ll notice that your taste buds will change.  The food you used to LOVE will suddenly be too sweet, salty, or make your tummy ache.  It will be easier to say No and make healthier choices.
Well that is our introduction to Eat Real Food.  I will be posting recipes that I love on my blog as well.  
The next blog will be about Exercise Plans