Since I am not competing this year, I have renamed this my Progress Journal.  I will still post my progress pics and I will also post my fitness goals.

In case you missed my numerous declarations and announcements, my birthday was last week and I celebrated for 4 days by eating exactly what I wanted which included my favorite Carrot Raisin Flax Muffins from Whole Foods, Cornmeal Pizza, Snickers, Twix Bites, copious amounts of trail mix, Homemade Fig and Goat Cheese Salad, Waffles, and of course I had Carrot Cake on my birthday,

I enjoyed EVERY BIT OF IT without any guilt or shame.

I needed a break

I have been on my plan for about 6 months and I have seen incredible results but I needed a break. I wanted a few days to eat exactly what I wanted without any restriction.
I e-mailed my coach on Thursday and told her that I was going to relax last week because I needed a break.  I want our relationship to be completely transparent and I don’t want to be burdened by any guilt or shame.
I have mentioned that I used to be a part of the secret eater’s club and one of our rituals is to feel guilt and shame when we eat something “bad”.  For the record Snickers aren’t bad.  They are wonderful things and I love whomever invented them.  We just don’t need to eat them all the time.
I was thrilled with her response.  She said, “This is life!  When you’re ready you will get back on plan!”

Getting Back on Plan

By the time Sunday night rolled around and I had finished my carrot cake, I was READY to get back on plan.  The idea of Chicken Breasts, Salmon, and Protein Shakes never sounded so good.
After a while eating all that stuff lost its luster and I was ready to get on with my life.  I thought to myself “This is exactly why I don’t do this on the regular”.   I was actually tired of it by that time.
I really liked that I was able to jump right back into my plan rather than wallowing in the guilt and shame of going rogue for a few days.  There was no lingering guilt about what I had done.  I was glad I did it because I needed to get it out of my system.
I actually prefer healthier options which is why I can say No to Snickers and Carrot Cake the majority of the time.
I think it’s unhealthy to think you need to be strict 365 days per year and never GO IN on some food.

I’m not HARDCORE and I don’t Care


You can have that mess.
I’m not hardcore.  Yes, I’m an aspiring Figure competitor who enjoys bodybuilding but I am also a human being with a life.  I’m going on vacation next month and I will probably bring a lot of my own snacks with me.  I also will not eat crazy at each meal but every time I go to a new city, I always try to find a good local restaurant to try their cuisine.  I will be doing the same.
I’ll also seek out some local gyms to be nosy and see what their fitness scene looks like.
I don’t care that I’m not hardcore and am willing to be a martyr for fitness sakes.

This is a Lifestyle

I loved what my coach said, “This is a lifestyle”.  She’s right.  It’s a lifestyle not an event.
Health and Fitness is my lifestyle and I feel that if I have to go underground and be a hermit in order to be healthy and fit then it isn’t worth it.  If I can’t have any friends because I’m so hardcore, then it’s time to re-evaluate things.
While I am excited to enter the world of competitive bodybuilding, I am not delusional.  I refuse to make it my entire life because that’s not where my treasure is.  Figure competitions are considered a hobby and a small part of my life.
I also have a myriad of other interests and while competitive fitness will have its place…I refuse to let it be my ENTIRE life.

What’s Next

Goals For the Rest of this Quarter

1. Continue with Fat Loss/ Composition Change
2. Improve my strength on several lifts including Deadlifts
3. Go back to Yoga at least 2x per week, 8 Yoga Classes in September
I’m excited about this next few months.  I expect to see my body transform even more as I lose fat and then begin to add more muscle to not only be competitive but to convey that strong presence!
Teaching spin to myself!  1 year better!!