Brianna Rollins, Nia Ali, and Kristi Castlin have made history.

It is the first sweep by a country in the 100M hurdles and the first sweep in history for U.S. women in Olympic track and field.

Brianna Rollins

Brianna Rollins brought the United States its first Gold on the track. She won the race in 12.48 seconds and did not knock down one hurdle.  As someone who knows nothing about hurdling except how sad it is when people hit the hurdles and fall down,  I think that’s very impressive.  She is the 2013 World Champion in this event.

Nia Ali

NiaAlisonAfter a year away from the track to care for her young 15 month old son, Nia Ali was one proud Mama

“He won’t remember this, but he will see photos and see that you can do anything you put your mind to,’’ Ali said while holding Titus. “I knew it was going to be hard to medal.”

I think it is so awesome that these Mamas have not given up on their dreams.  It takes a lot to have children and be a world class athlete. A support system is definitely necessary!

“I don’t take him to the track too often when I train, because I haven’t mastered that whole ‘focusing when he’s around’ thing,” she laughed. “I get into a parent mode too quickly. Unless my mom or his father (400m hurdler Michael Tinsley) are there, I can’t focus.

“Being a mom and an elite athlete is difficult, but it’s very rewarding. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

“I love my son, love coming back home after long days. It puts what I do on the track in a perspective, and I have an amazing support system that helps make it happen. I can’t take the full credit.” (Source

But she can take credit for putting in the work and getting it done!

Kristi Castlin

Kristi Castlin beat Great Britain’s Cindy Ofilli by .02 seconds.  After watching the race, it took a moment to get confirmation of the results.  Castlin used her opportunity to take a stand for women and issues of gun violence

“I would like to dedicate this medal to victims of gun violence,’’ she said. “Women hurdlers are so strong in the U.S., and we have overcome controversy. We are three strong hurdlers.”