I was in a yoga class and I was having trouble with the pose.  I just would not put my head down and I would not relax.  The teacher came over to do some adjustments and she said, “It’s a surrender pose”

“No wonder I am having such a hard time,” I thought. “It’s so hard for me to surrender.”

This entire year has been an exercise in learning to surrender so at the top of my Stop Doing List has been to:

  • Stop Trying to FORCE things to happen
  • Stop projecting my own narratives 
  • Stop wasting my time when something is a clear waste of time, energy, and resources

So that….

If you’re going to have a Stop Doing List, then you need a reason why you’re going to stop doing it.

A few weeks ago it came to a head why I should stop trying to force things, project my own narratives, and quit wasting my time.  I got really worked up and wound up so I decided to write down what I would do if given free opportunity to do what I really wanted.

By the time I finished, I realized that if I went through with my scorched earth plan, my credibility would be ruined, I would make a lot of enemies in the process, and nothing would actually change.

My stop doing list looks like this:

  • Stop Trying to FORCE things to happen SO THAT I can relax and flow right on into what is supposed to happen.  (You make better decisions when you’re not worked up and led by emotions)
  • Stop projecting my own narratives SO THAT I am not confused and have clarity.
  • Stop wasting my time when something is a clear waste of time, energy, and resources SO THAT I can be open to Excellent connections and opportunities.

What should you stop doing?

I encourage you to look deeper than: “Oh I should stop spending 4 hours on Facebook.” 

Why are you spending 4 hours on Facebook?  Is it because you want to dissociate from your life? Is it because you want to feel like you have some type of significance by arguing with people about politics?

Should you Stop Saying Yes to every request so that you can free up your time and tend to your own life.

This is about GOING DEEP.

So this week think about some things you should stop doing.