Bill Belichick is one of the all-time greatest coaches. Not known for being friendly and open with the media, a few years ago he gave a legendary press conference.
The New England Patriots had suffered a pretty bad loss on Monday Night Football and many speculated that was the end of the road for Belichick and Tom Brady.
When the media began to question him about what went wrong and if this was the truly the end, he had one answer for them:
“We’re on to Cincinnati”
No matter how they tried to frame the question or get him to talk about what was happening with the team all he would say is:
“We’re on to Cincinnati”
“We’re getting ready for Cincinnati”.
He would not be moved. He didn’t want to dwell on that loss. He would adjust the game plan and then…
“We’re on to Cincinnati”
This is my theme for the Summer and quite possibly the rest of the year. I have a lot of outcomes that I’d like to see happen and I frankly do not have time for silliness, nonsense, and endeavors that are not in alignment with what I want to create.
I’ve already dropped one experiment because I realized it was not worth the investment and I had given it a fair chance. It was time to move on.
Why I do a mid year review
I do a mid year review for myself and also for my clients.
We acknowledge what’s gone well and what’s working. We also discuss what needs an upgrade. People will let me know if something is not working for them and we move on.
It is so important to review your direction on a regular basis because you become more efficient at making decisions and also understanding when to change your course.
Yes…changing directions is allowed and encouraged. This doesn’t give you permission to be inconsistent and wishy washy but it does mean that if you’ve given something a fair chance and it isn’t the right fit and/or you’ve got adverse effects (within reason) then it may mean you need to change course and/or let it go.
Know when it’s time to move on…
I was at a lecture on Creating Better Nutrition for Better Results and one woman asked this question:
“What can we tell people who are insistent that they are going to continue doing a diet because they lost weight but their health is starting to suffer: They have low energy, dark circles under their eyes, digestion is poor, and they look sick?”
I am sure you are reading this and thinking: “They should stop doing the diet! Duh!”
That’s the simple answer but it’s not that easy.
If that person was doing a mid year review, then they would understand that even though there were some favorable results, the trade off with poor health simply wasn’t worth it. (In this case, they would more than likely need a coach to encourage them to switch directions because for most people weight loss trumps all)
Elements of a Mid Year Review
- Celebrate your Victories – Name some of your biggest victories so far. (ALWAYS start with the positive. Focus on what you’re doing RIGHT instead of what you’re doing wrong. It will shift the atmosphere and change your mindset
- What’s going well- What are you doing now that is working. Keep doing it. What are the results? It’s giving you clues to what you should be doing at this time.
- What needs an upgrade? – This isn’t the time to beat yourself up. This is the time to ask yourself about how you can upgrade what you are currently doing.
- What do you need to let go of or move on from? This is one of favorite parts. I like to do a mid year clothing purge, clean out my pantry, and my car. This is also a great time to take stock of what you have and get rid of extra physical clutter. You can also use this time to get rid of schedule clutter as well. Are there activities that you need to let go of? Are there groups that you need to move on from? Chances are that you’ve been thinking of dropping these activities now is a perfect time to do it. You can always say: “I did my mid year review and I just don’t have the time to commit to this right now.
Or you can always say:
“We’re on to Cincinnati”
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