On the surface, this seems like a dumb question. Of course, you want to be healthy!
Yes, but do you want to be healthy even if it means getting uncomfortable, doing things you don’t want to do, getting up earlier, saying NO to toxic people and toxic behaviors, and putting your phone down.
Earlier this week, I was talking with my amazing client and friend Diane and she was just so fired up about not making excuses, commitment, and what it takes to achieve the results she’s looking for. It’s why she has become a beacon for others.
Diane understands the principle that the better the results, the more it costs.
That very same evening in a class I am taking my teacher basically said that the more you level up, the more it’s going to cost you.
In a podcast I was listening to later on in the week, the gentleman was talking about how we prioritize comfort over what we are supposed to be doing.
I tend to listen when a similar theme keeps coming up.
I started thinking about this whole health and fitness thing. Most of us have been influenced by some form of media whether it is TV or Social Media. We’ve been led to believe that we can have what we want without any work or getting uncomfortable and that it won’t require any real sacrifice or cost.
That’s just not how it works.
I encourage you to really think about whether or not you’re ready to pay the price of being healthy. It will cost you but the payoff with energy, vitality, and the ability to live a full life will be worth it!
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