My Top Books of the Year!
Mindset, Carol Dweck
This book Discusses the difference between fixed and growth mindsets and why Growth Mindsets will enable you to excel and move forward in life
The New Jim Crow, Michelle Alexander
A tough tough read about the criminal justice system but I think it’s necessary to understand the roots of many of our current issues.
Amusing Ourselves to Death, Neil Postman
A book that’s eerily prophetic about a society that is amusing itself to death. EVERYTHING from education to politics becomes entertainment. “Americans are getting sillier by the minute” Postman writes at the beginning of the book. He wrote this book in 1984 and I can’t help but wonder if he would be surprised about our current state of affairs
Put Your Dream to the Test, John C Maxwell
A great assessment to make sure your dreams are really yours and to ask yourself if you are ready to pay the cost to achieve that dream.
Extreme Ownership: How Navy Seals Lead and Win, Jocko Willink and Leif Babbin
Written by two former Navy Seals they offer incredible lessons from combat and insight on leadership by staying focused on the mission. A must read for leaders and personal development.
Man’s Search for Meaning, Victor Frankl
Part 1 is Frankl’s first hand account of surviving NAZI concentration camps. Part 2 Discusses the concept of logotherapy and how finding meaning in one’s suffering is what gives people the drive to go on with life and not give up. I believe this book is one that is sorely needed in this society.
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