First Truth Bomb:  This is an excuse.

It’s a story you’re telling yourself and that you’ve believed it.  Being too busy is encouraged in our culture because people look at it as a badge of honor and accomplishment.

Are our lives filled with activities?  Yes.

Are all of them necessary? No.

Are all of them priorities?  No.

Are YOU a priority in your life?  

Your answer to the bolded question above will determine whether or not you still believe you are too busy to make healthier choices.

When you start to believe you are a priority and worthy of self-care then you will be able to make healthier choices.

This is the personal development piece I work with my clients on in my coaching programs.  Now onto the practical portion.  Here are a few Suggestions on what to do if you’re busy and need help making healthier choices.

Look at your schedule for the week on Sunday and see where you will get into trouble

My schedule varies from week to week.  I check my schedule on Sunday and I locate the days where I may get into trouble and I adequately prepare for that by either preparing some foods to take along with me or getting snacks and strategizing when I am going to stop by the store so I will have healthier food options if I don’t know any good lunch options nearby.

If I have a meeting an hour and a half away and I’m not sure if I will have time to go to lunch, then I will go to Whole Foods and get something so that I don’t have to stop for fast food.

Outsource: There’s an app for that

My clients are extremely busy people.  Some have constant travel, others have cases that they are working on, and the list goes on.  What has worked for them is to outsource their nutrition program or grocery shopping.

There are a number of meal prep services these days and for busy people this is a time saving option. I can hear you thinking “But that’s too expensive”  

For my clients it’s an investment in themselves and provides a clear return.   They feel much better eating healthy and fresh food.  This leads to better productivity and production which will lead to bonuses and more revenue.

Getting Groceries delivered is another strategy my clients use.  This is especially useful for clients who travel a lot or on the go frequently.  Apps like Instacart make it easy for you to grocery shop online and have someone deliver your groceries to you.

Collect Your Arsenal of Healthy Meals and Snacks

I have my stash of healthy snacks that I keep on hand at my home so that I can grab and go.  I’ve gone to FITNESS conferences where they have free breakfasts that are filled with sugar and hardly any protein.  I got smart and if there’s no refrigerator in the room, then I have my protein bars in my bag to eat for breakfast with my coffee and fresh fruit (if they have it on hand)

Protein, Fruits, and Vegetables

If you’re out somewhere and there seem to be no healthy options available, then make do with what you have.

Focus on eating protein, fruits, and vegetables.  A salad works or if there’s no salad, then fo

cus on eating protein or vegetables.

If you’re at home after a long day, then get ready made foods (Trader Joe’s has so many great options like this Riced Cauliflower) and make the focus on Protein and Vegetables.


If you order takeout, then focus on protein and vegetables.  Avoid Fried Foods, heavy sauces, and cheeses.

Start with Baby Steps and realize real change that takes time.

If you always stop for fast food, then give yourself a limit for the month.  Tell yourself that you will only stop for fast food 3x this month.  Once you’ve reached your quota, then that’s it and make the effort to prepare ahead of time.

Don’t strive for perfection because that does not exist.  Strive for progress.  Each month you should be making better choices.  We should always be striving to get 1% better.  Doesn’t seem or look like much but if you keep doing it, then eventually you will see big changes!


Bottom Line: Make yourself a priority

When we do not believe we are worthy of attention and self care, we make excuses about being too busy.  We no longer put ourselves on the list to be taken care of because we make everyone else a priority.

Some people do not feel as if they deserve to treat themselves well because they have failed so many times and they figure, “What’s the point?” Your habits will not change until you get to the root of WHY you have decided that you are too busy to treat yourself well.

If that sounds like you, then I have news:  As Brene Brown Says, “We cannot give to others what we don’t have for ourselves.”  Completely agree.  You cannot give your best to others if you are not taking the time to take care of yourself!

Mindset Matters Most!