The Easy Answer is to Just do it one day at a time but I think there’s more to it.  Here are a few suggestions for becoming more consistent with your Nutrition.

End the Massive Displays of Effort

Darren Hardy says that Americans have been conditioned to believe in massive displays of effort.  This means that every few months you hear of someone starting a radical new raw food vegan plan when they were just eating ice cream and drinking wine daily last week.

Instead of Massive Displays of Effort which end soon after you start them, start with one change such as cutting down on ice cream and then once you complete that, move on to the next vice.

I know social media doesn’t like simple or small but it’s truly the way to success.

Figure out what the actual problem is

Many people think that it’s just because they don’t have enough willpower.  I don’t believe that.  Our issues with food are often more emotional and mental than they are physical.  Perhaps you are bored, lonely, angry, or unfulfilled.  This may be why you are drowning your sorrows in cookies and ice cream every night.  It has nothing to do with willpower but everything to do with what’s actually eating YOU.

Keep it Simple

Similar to massive displays of effort, the diet industry has come up with intricate rules and complicated meal plans that make it hard for people to be consistent.  The second they “mess up” one of the food rules or go off plan, then they are ready to quit.  If you kept it simple: eat more veggies, cut down on alcohol, and cut sugar, then you would be much more successful than eat 6 asparagus spears at 10:00 a.m. while walking backwards and singing, “Proud Mary”.

Accept that it’s hard and will take time to be consistent.

When talking about building a successful business I always say, “There is no such thing as an overnight success unless you are running a scam!”

I believe the same to be true of building consistency with your nutrition.  Unless you’re doing some crazy crash fad diet, then it will take time for you to be consistent with your nutritional progress.

Our society loves the lie that it’s so easy.  It’s not!  It’s not easy to do the right thing when all the messages we’re receiving say the complete opposite.  I’m always shocked at how many horrific food items are advertised during a football game.  Just gross garbage that nobody should be eating.  Since a high percentage of people watching these games are drinking, I’m sure these foods sound really appetizing.

Give up the Idea of Perfection

Remember, there is no such thing as perfection!  People who are focused on perfection will always find something to beat themselves about and soon erode their confidence to believe they can actually change their habits.

This is not good for your mental nor emotional health.  Focus on your progress.  You should always be striving to get 1% better every day instead of being perfect.

You’ll be shocked at how quickly the wins add up!