I have been in the Fitness Industry for ten years and it seems that for ten years people have been saying something different about what to eat pre workout and post workout. The new fad seems to be about what to eat/drink INTRA workout. It’s all so confusing.
Are we supposed to eat carbs before a workout? Are we supposed to drink protein shakes after our workouts? What are we supposed to eat pre and post workout.
The answer: It depends
There is no one size fits all answer
It depends on what the goal of your training is and any pre-existing health conditions. Someone who is training for a marathon may not have the same pre and post workout nutrition of someone who is training for powerlifting.
Someone who exercises for general fitness does not need fancy nutrient timing strategies as someone who is training for a physique competition.
Below I will cover suggestions for pre/post workout meals according to common training scenarios
Pre Workout Suggestions
Early Morning Exerciser
If you’re an early morning exerciser, then you may not eat anything! I teach an early morning cycle class and I don’t eat anything before teaching it because my stomach does not like a heavy meal before class or cardio.
If you’re someone who does strength training early in the morning and cannot tolerate a heavy meal or don’t have time to cook before leaving, then I would suggest either getting a reputable brand of Branch Chained Amino Acids (BCAA’s) and sipping on that throughout the workout, drinking a protein shake with a minimal amount of carbs (if you can tolerate it), hardboiled eggs, or almonds.
- BCAA (reputable brand),
- Protein Shake (minimal amount of carbs)
- hard boiled eggs
- almonds
Fat Loss Goal

Coconut Oil is a Medium Chain Triglyceride which may be burned faster during a workout. Add it to smoothies or cook with it!
Stick with protein mixed with fats like coconut oil and almonds. You want your body to pull its fuel from your existing energy stores (that’s the nice way of saying your excess fat).
Dump the sugar bars disguised as energy/protein bars before the workout. You want your body to be burning fat as fuel not excess sugar in the bloodstream.
I honestly think this is one of the biggest mistakes people with fat loss goals make with their pre workout meals. Eating sugar for that rush pre workout and then burning that sugar for fuel instead of your excess fat stores.
- Protein shake with coconut oil (minimal carbs)
- almonds/cashews/macadamia nuts,
- hard boiled eggs,
- BCAAs (reputable brand)
Note: If you’re someone who works in the evening your last meal should have enough protein, fat, and carbs to power you through your evening workouts. Try to time it 2-3 hours before you hit the gym. Some experts even recommend 4 hours before your workout for digestive purposes.

Never Eat Too Much Fiber before a Half Marathon. NEVER.
If you are training for an endurance event, then this is where you will need carbohydrates to fuel your workouts so that you don’t hit the wall. You will need to see what works for you because I have found that dairy doesn’t work for me when training for endurance. I also don’t like heavy foods before endurance training.
I learned this lesson during the 2011 SF Half Marathon (all caps for emphasis)
- Banana
- Brown Rice Cakes with Almond Butter
- Smoothie made with Almond or Coconut Milk, a protein powder that I know doesn’t mess up my stomach, coconut oil, almond butter
- Brown Rice Tortilla with an apple or bananna with Honey
Diabetic or Prone to Low Blood Sugar
Please make sure to eat Carbohydrate and preferably a fat to keep blood sugars level. Please follow whatever protocols your doctors/nutritionists have laid off.
Also very important: ALWAYS keep a packet of honey or any other fast digesting sugar available in case your blood sugar falls. When I worked in a commercial gym, I always kept a packet of honey around for this very purpose.
Post Workout Meals
The supplement companies have convinced you that you need tons of protein Post Workout. Is protein important post workout for tissue repair and recovery? Yes it is but even more important is to consume CARBOHYDRATES Post workout (especially if you’re strength training). You need protein and carbohydrates post workout for maximum recovery. Sports nutritionists recommend a 4:1 ratio of Carbohydrates to Proteins.
Do I need to drink protein shakes?
In short: No you don’t.
It’s a marketing ploy by the supplement companies but there are very real reasons why someone may drink them.
- Palatable and Digestible – Easy to Digest
- Convenience – Have it handy right after
- Quickly Absorbed
Note: If you choose to drink protein shakes post workout, Please be careful about which protein powders you choose. Make sure your protein powder is from a REPUTABLE company that uses high quality proteins (whey or pea protein if you’re plant based). There are so many companies who are spiking their powders with cheap amino acids and not high quality protein.
If you exercise for general fitness
If you’re strength training to preserve muscle mass and for general fitness, then you do not need complicated Post workout meal protocols. Coach Scott Abel even says if you have excess energy (fat) then post workout meals are not necessary if you’re not hungry.
Simply eat your next meal as planned because I don’t care what the fitness gurus say: REAL Whole Food is the best post workout.
If convenience is a problem then eat a Larabar or drink the high quality protein supplement along with a piece of fruit.
What if I’m not hungry post workout? Then wait for your next meal and make sure it has quite a bit of protein for tissue and recovery (especially my people over 50) along with carbohydrates. Post Workout is the best time to eat carbs!
I hope this clears up some of the confusion for you! Remember you are unique and there is no one size fits all approach!
Thank you for all your insight into ensuring comprehensive health. Your approach is pragmatic, attainable and clear. You balance heath (diet and exercise) with real understanding. I have seen notable changes in my own life following your routines and diet ideas.