A few weeks ago there was a music video premiere that left social media in an uproar.
“#Bodygoals” was proclaimed.
” What’s her workout routine?” was all over social media.
I figured that soon after the hoopla there would be an exercise video in the works along with Instagram Trainers proclaiming that they could get you results just like hers. Meal plans and workouts available.
I saw both of those things that very same week.
Even more interesting I read an interview with the woman from the video and she said her main workout was dancing and that she doesn’t eat healthy food.
Mmmmmhmmmm —>
Now she could be telling the truth…I don’t know. She could have amazing genetics that allow her to eat whatever she wants and look amazing. I’m not here to debate that.
What I have a problem with is this trend of someone else being YOUR goals. There are several problems with this:
- Living Vicariously through others is not smart because you don’t know what’s really going on behind the scenes.
- The Time you spend following others and wanting to do what they do is time you could be spending making your own life great again
- BodyGoals, Relationship Goals, Lifegoals are marketing tactics
- Celebrity worship takes away from acknowledging your own greatness.
Living Vicariously through others
One of the worst things about social media is that it promotes people living vicariously through others. We see people posting their highly filtered and edited selfies or watch videos of their fabulous lives and wish that could be us. We want their lifestyles so bad not even knowing if it is real or fake.
About 2 years ago I had a meltdown in a restaurant because I was so caught up in comparing myself to something that was on social media. It turns out what I was comparing myself to did not even exist! It was all lies!
We must stop using social media to live vicariously through others and imagining their lives are so much better than ours because we don’t even know if THEY are living the lifestyle they are portraying and because you’re comparing your reality with someone else’s highlight reel.
Make your own life great again
If you are busy pursuing your own goals and making your own life great, then you don’t have time to live vicariously through others because your energy is spent on YOU getting 1% better.
Work on being the best version of YOU instead of trying to be someone else. You will never be someone else. You can only be the BEST version of yourself.
Understand that #bodygoals #relationshipgoals #lifegoals is a marketing tactic
Within 3 days of that music video, the buzz was already on that there was an exercise video in the works. I am not mad at that because if it will get people up and moving, then great. I just take exception with people believing they are going to look like the woman in the video if they just do the workouts and eat what they want.
I saw several InstaTrainers posting pictures of the woman in the video with the caption: If you want a body like this, then I got you. Meal plans and workouts available. Sadly desperate people (mainly women) will fall for these tricks and then give up when they don’t look like the woman in the video after two weeks of dieting and exercise.
Can I let you in on a little secret?
BodyGoals, Relationship Goals, LifeGoals, etc. are all marketing tactics. People are marketing their lifestyles and exteriors on social media in order to get you to buy their services. This just doesn’t apply to fitness because I see it with business, relationships, and other areas of life.
The marketing message is that your life would be great like theirs if you buy whatever they are selling. Because they are your #bodygoals, #relationshipgoals, #lifegoals, if you do what they do then you will be where they are. You give them money so you can be like them.
It’s not true.
It’s not true because you’re not them and you have your own journey and story. You don’t know WHAT people have had to go through to get to where they are and you don’t even know if their journey would be right for you.
With Fitness a lot of the InstaTrainers are young, have good genetics, and some have been training for years. They aren’t getting those bodies from flat tummy teas and magic bean shakes.
No matter what these people try to tell you, You won’t look like them just because you eat the same diet and do the same workouts as they do because you have your own genetics, hormones, health history, and biochemistry to work with.
That’s all advertising is: Raise your anxieties in order to get you to spend money.
Celebrity Worship
I see far too many people (including many adults) that are caught up in celebrity worship. All celebrities are human. Human beings are flawed and they don’t make good gods because the ones that are elevated to god like status ALWAYS get the human being wake up call sooner or later.
With that being said, I think celebrity worship is ruining a generation of people because it teaches them to believe that others are great while they are not. Just because you aren’t known internationally or have a ton of money does not mean you’re not great.
Again you don’t know WHAT these people have had to do to get where they are or what’s going on behind the scenes. That person you idolize and worship may be addicted to alcohol and drugs or miserable. You don’t know.
Nobody has the perfect life and should be worshipped despite what may be marketed to you.
Understand your own greatness
If you get nothing else out of this blog post, then I want you to get this:
Understand your own greatness and work towards it.
This year I decided to make it my healthiest year yet. I’m not trying to be like anyone else, I don’t idolize anyone else, and while I may look to others for inspiration and new ideas to aid on my own journey I’m working towards my own personal best.
What that means for me is setting my goals to be the best version of myself and to do what I think I cannot do.
These are 2 of my Fitness goals for my next birthday. It’s not based on anyone else but myself .
Be Your Own Goals
I want to encourage you to become the best version of yourself. Set goals that are based upon your life, your lifestyle, and your own greatness. It’s fine to look to others for inspiration and ideas to help you on your journey but avoid putting them on a pedestal. We are all human and have our own struggles, insecurities, and hangups.
One more thing: Please stop believing everything you see on social media. There is so much foolishness, false promises, fake lifestyles, artificially happy, and inauthentic stuff on there. Be discerning about who you follow and what you believe.
My mission is to help women give up dieting, help get their minds right, and embrace a holistic healthy lifestyle. If you’re interested in working with me, then please e-mail: fiercelyfitbyg@gmail.com
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