Sharon Belkofer lost her son in Afghanistan and became a Gold Star Mom.

Instead of dying right along with her son, Ms. Belkofer decided that she could also make a difference.  At the age of 73 years old, she decided to run for public office for the first time!  She ran for the school board and in her words she won big!

Since this is a lifestyle blog focused on health and wellness, Ms. Belkofer said that when she didn’t feel like campaigning or her back was hurting, she would think of her son and keep going.  She also said that she was told walking was good for her back so she kept going from door to door.

I just love stories like this because it just proves that you’re never too old to make a difference and that it is imperative to stay ready and in good health so that you CAN be a difference maker.

You are never too old

It’s never too late

If your why is strong enough, then you will keep going!!!