The best way to lose clients is tell them that losing body fat will be a slow process and it won’t be linear.
The best way to get a lot of clients is to tell them that you can give them RESULTS and FAST. Lose 10 pounds or more in 30 days!
Give Up the Quick Fix Mentality
My philosophy is that if someone wants a quick fix then I am not the right person to talk to. Once you give up the idea of a Quick Fix, then we can talk but until then….NOPE
Anybody who knows a little about dieting and a little about training can get someone to lose 20 pounds in a short amount of time. All you have to do with someone who is overweight and has been sedentary for a while is give them a starvation/restrictive diet between 1200-1400 calories (smarter people will go through that range but the hucksters will have you at 1000 calories or below) and have them exercise every day with higher intensity for at least an hour.
These people will see Quick Results….Why?
- With the reduction in calories (and usually carbs) they will see a drastic drop in water weight
- When you’re severely restricting your calories your body feeds off of your fat for energy…this is all good until Your body figures out what you’re doing. Check it out: Your loves to adapt and it’s on to your low calorie intake tricks and so now it no longer burns off stored fat for its energy needs. It starts to store it because your body thinks you can no longer find food and will starve to death. (Those ole hormonal mechanisms in place)
- Your body will soon start burning through your most metabolically active tissue for its energy (Yep…muscle mass) so that makes the number go down as well. You’re not just losing water and fat. You are also losing muscle mass and that is not good because it will help slow your metabolic rate.
So that’s why people initially see Fast Results with these Quick Results Programs but as you can see that doesn’t do much for long term success. You will not have long term success with these programs because your body will begin to adapt and put the hormonal mechanisms in place to prevent any more fat loss.
Why are you hungrier after a diet and excessive exercise program? No it’s not all in your head. Your body has hormonal mechanisms that regulate hunger. Do you know what they found when they tested the Biggest Loser Contestants (the ultimate in Quick Fix Programs) They found that the hormone levels for those contestants was basically ZERO. That’s why they were ravenous all of the time. It wasn’t just in their heads. It was a biological response.
Your Body wasn’t meant to Lose Weight Rapidly
This year I had a chance to take a class from a woman who was a trainer for the Biggest Loser Australia. She said that if she took one thing from that show it is that your body wasn’t meant to lose weight rapidly.
I love what she called the Diet Cycle…She called it the DIE Model.
She was adamant about people understanding that rapid weight loss causes damage to the hormonal systems and will ultimately lead to regaining weight and putting on even more. She even taught us to use our female hormonal system to maximize our results with Fat Loss and also strength gains.
Every single time you crash diet, your body will prepare an adequate hormonal response to bring you back to your body’s comfortable “set point” and make it harder and harder for you to lose body fat. You can keep restricting calories more and more but at what cost? As the Diet Cycle shows after much restriction —-> Bingeing.
Let’s say you don’t binge and stick with the low calories but finding that your body isn’t responding anymore and in fact you are gaining weight. Your body has gone into defense mode. Our bodies are meant to keep us alive and healthy. Starving and trying to beat it into submission always backfires. Just say no to the Quick Fix Diet Cycle Mentality!
So what do you need to do?
First Give up the Quick Fix Mentality and start evaluating your current lifestyle. For many people they get involved with these restrictive diets and excessive exercise programs but give up soon after because it’s too much and they cannot maintain it. The first thing you need to do is change your mindset/philosophy. Here are some Tips for you to succeed at Fat Loss long term
People who want to lose a quick 20 pounds are not committed to a healthy lifestyle. They are committed to the results but not a LIFESTYLE. You need to commit to a lifestyle of good health whether it’s Summer, Fall, Winter, or Spring. Whatever it is…You’re ALL IN.
That means:
- Fresh Whole Foods and Minimizing Processed Items
- Staying Hydrated
- Minimizing Excess Sugar (especially with processed foods)
- Limiting Alcohol Intake
- Exercising 4x a week
- Moving for at least 1-2 hours per day (outside of exercise)
- Getting at least 6-7 hours of sleep
- Working on Personal Development and Growth (If you don’t do this, then you won’t be successful and you will be sunk.)
It’s something you do 80-90% of the time and have fun the rest of the time. It’s a way of life and you do it whether you’re feeling it or not because you know it will pay off in how you FEEL.
Your Mindset Matters Most
I have to say this: if you’re trying to lose fat and you’ve got a negative outlook on yourself, then you will not be successful. You will find some way to sabotage yourself and you will not be successful. One of my mentors Trina Gray says this:
If you’re your biggest critic and always speaking of yourself in a negative manner rather than your biggest cheerleader, then you’re going nowhere. You may as well hang it up. You may as well hang it up and watch Reality TV.
She’s absolutely right. Women who are chronic dieters have a higher rate of depression because chronic dieting is depressing. To constantly get caught up in the cycle of success at weight loss and perceived failure of regaining the weight is defeating. It is depressing.
Bottom Line: A negative Mindset will not produce success. Because as emotional eating/eating disorder expert Geneen Roth says:
It’s not about the weight and it’s not about the food.
I couldn’t agree more but for you to understand that your weight isn’t what is making you miserable, you’ve got to become aware and face that Man in the Mirror. That will come through personal development.
What I urge you to do is to start doing Personal Development. Read books about Emotional Eating. Geneen Roth is phenomenal! Start listening to podcasts about Living Better: Brendon Burchard, The Charged Life is a phenomenal resource. Stay tuned to my Blog because I have a monthly Recommended Read for people to continue the growth process.
Start developing yourself and I PROMISE you will start seeing a big difference in the way you approach your entire life including your health and fitness! You will be done with the Quick Fix superficial nonsense and be all about Living a Better LIFESTYLE…Health and Fitness Included!
Give up the Quick Fix Mentality and start committing yourself the Fiercely Fit Lifestyle!
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